NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Kshitij Chapter 9

Experts have prepared NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Kshitij Chapter 9 at CoolGyan. Hindi is an important language in India hence getting a thorough understanding of this subject is necessary for students. With many years of experience in designing Hindi solutions, the master teachers at CoolGyan have provided the solutions for Chapter 9 Hindi Class 9 Kshitij in a simple to understand language. Students will find it easy to go through these solutions so that they can finish their homework in a timely way, and they are well prepared for their exams. Subjects like Science, Maths, English, Hindi will become easy to study if you have access to NCERT Solution for Class 9 Science, Maths solutions and solutions of other subjects. You can also download NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths to help you to revise complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Chapter 9- कबीर

1. ‘मानसरोवर’ से कवि का क्या आशय है?         

उत्तर: मानसरोवर के दो अर्थ हैं-

  • एक पवित्र सरोवर जिसमें हंस विहार करते हैं।

  • पवित्र मन या मानस।

2. कवि ने सच्चे प्रेमी की क्या कसौटी बताई है?

उत्तर: कबीर ने सच्चे प्रेमी की कसौटी को बताते हुए कहा है सच्चा प्रेमी समझ कर उसे दिल से पाने की इच्छा रखता है सच्चा प्रेमी कभी किसी भी प्रकार के मोह में नहीं बंधेगा अर्थात उसे किसी भी बंधन में बांध कर भी नहीं रख सकते।

3. तीसरे दोहे में कवि ने किस प्रकार के ज्ञान को महत्त्व दिया है?

उत्तर: इस दोहे में कवी ने अनुभव से प्राप्त हुए ज्ञान जी ओर संकेत देते हुए आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान महत्त्व दिया गया है।

4. इस संसार में सच्चा संत कौन कहलाता है?

उत्तर: कबीर के अनुसार सच्चा संत वही कहलाता है जो सामाजिक भेदभाव, सांसारिक मोह माया से दूर, सभी स्थितियों में समभाव किसी भी प्रकार की ऊंच-नीच, भेदभाव, अच्छा-बुरा, त्याग कर प्रभु की भक्ति में लीन हो जाए वही सच्चा संत कहलाएगा।

5. अंतिम दो दोहों के माध्यम से कबीर ने किस तरह की संकीर्णताओं की ओर संकेत किया है?

उत्तर: अंतिम दो दोहों में कबीर ने निम्नलिखित संकीर्णताओं की ओर संकेत किया है-

  • अपने-अपने मत को श्रेष्ठ मानने की संकीर्णता और दूसरे के धर्म की निंदा करने की संकीर्णता।

  • ऊँचे कुल के अहंकार में जीने की संकीर्णता।

6. किसी भी व्यक्ति की पहचान उसके कुल से होती है या उसके कर्मों से? तर्क सहित उत्तर दीजिए।

उत्तर: राम, कृष्ण, आदि ऊँचे कुल में जन्म लेने से महान नहीं बने है वह अपने कर्मो से ऊँचे बने है इसी तरह कबीर, तुलसी, और सुर ऊँचे कुल के नहीं है लेकिन फिर भी इनके अच्छे कर्मो की चर्चा इनको ऊँचा और महान बनाती है हम यह कह सकते है की व्यक्ति की पहचान उसके ऊँचे कुल से नहीं उसके अच्छे-बुरे कर्मो से होती है।

7. काव्य सौंदर्य स्पष्ट कीजिए-

हस्ती चढ़िए ज्ञान कौ, सहज दुलीचा डारि।

स्वान रूप संसार है, भूंकन दे झख मारि।

उत्तर: भाव सौन्दर्य- इस पंक्ति में कवि ने ज्ञान के महत्व को प्रतिपादित करते हुए कहा है की ज्ञान की प्राप्ति करने वाले साधक हाथी पर चल रहे है और संसार रूपी कुत्ते अर्थात आलोचना करने वाले कुत्ते भौंक कर शांत हो जाते है। 

शिल्प सौन्दर्य- इस पंक्ति में भक्ति रस को प्रधानता दी गयी है सधुक्कड़ी भाषा का प्रयोग किया गया है।

8. मनुष्य ईश्वर को कहाँ-कहाँ ढूँढता फिरता है?

उत्तर: इस पाठ में कवि ने कहा है की हिन्दू अपने भगवान को मंदिर, तीर्थ स्थलों में ढूंढता है तो वही मुस्लिम अपने अल्लाह को मस्जिद में ढूंढते है और मनुष्य योग, प्रार्थना, तथा वैराग्य अनेक प्रकार की धार्मिक क्रियाओं में ढूंढता है।

9. कबीर ने ईश्वर-प्राप्ति के लिए किन प्रचलित विश्वासों का खंडन किया है?

उत्तर: कबीर ने ईश्वर प्राप्ति के लिए अनेक प्रकार की प्रचलित विश्वास जैसे मंदिर, मस्जिद, गुरूद्वारे जा कर पूजा-अर्चना करना या नमाज पढ़ना पवित्र तीर्थ स्थलों की यात्रा करना। अलग-अलग तरह से भक्ति कर के ईश्वर को पाने के लिए प्रयास करते रहना।  


10. कबीर ने ईश्वर को ‘सब स्वाँसों की स्वाँस में क्यों कहा है?

उत्तर:  भी जीवों की रचना ईश्वर के द्वारा की गयी है और ईश्वर का वास हर एक प्राणी व जिव में मौजूद है इसलिए कवि ने ईश्वर को सब स्वाँसो की स्वांस कहा है।

11. कबीर ने ज्ञान के आगमन की तुलना सामान्य हवा से न कर आंधी से क्यों की?

उत्तर: सामान्य हवा में वश्तुओं को प्रभावित करने की उतनी श्रमता नहीं पाई जाती जितनी आंधी में पाई जाती है उसी तरह ज्ञान की आंधी आने से मनुष्य के मन पर पड़ने वाले हर किस्म के अज्ञान के परदे मोह, मायारुपी बुराई, व छल-कपट जैसी चीजे सभी नष्ट हो जाती है। मनुष्य का मन पवित्र हो कर ईश्वर में लीन हो जाता है।

12. ज्ञान की आँधी का भक्त के जीवन पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ता है?

उत्तर: ज्ञान की आंधी से मनुष्य के जीवन पर यह प्रभाव पड़ता है की उसके सारी शंकाए और अज्ञानता का नाश हो जाता है। वह मोह-माया के बंधनो से मुक्त हो जाता है मन पवित्र व् साफ़ हो कर प्रभु भक्ति में लीन हो जाता है।

13.भाव स्पष्ट कीजिए-

(क) हिति चित्त की वै श्रृंगी गिराँनी, मोह बलिंडा तूटा।

उत्तर: (क) यहाँ ज्ञान की आंधी के कारण मनुष्य के मन पर पड़ने वाले प्रभाव के फलस्वरूप मनुष्य के स्वार्थ रूपी दोनों खम्बे टूट के गिर गए तथा मोह रूपी बल्ली भी गिर गयी। इससे कामना रूपी ढांचा टूट गया। और उसके मन की सभी बुराइयां खत्म हो गयी और मन साफ़ हो गया।

(ख) आँधी पीछै जो जल बूठा, प्रेम हरि जन भीना।

उत्तर: (ख) ज्ञान की आंधी आने के बाद मन प्रभु की भक्ति में लीन हो गया। ज्ञान की वर्षा के बाद जो पानी गिरा उससे मन की बुराइयाँ धूल गयी। अर्थात ज्ञान की प्राप्ति के बाद मन साफ़ हो गया।

रचना और अभिव्यक्ति

14. संकलित साखियों और पदों के आधार पर कबीर के धार्मिक और सांप्रदायिक सद्भाव संबंधी विचारों पर प्रकाश डालिए।

उत्तर: कबीर ने अपने विचारो के द्वारा मनुष्य के आँखों पर पड़े धर्म तथा संप्रदाय पर्दो को खोलने का प्रयास किया कबीर ने हिन्दू और मुस्लिम के राम और रहीम को एक सामान बताने का प्रयास किया। कबीर ने हर मनुष्य को किसी मत, संप्रदाय, धर्म आदि में न पड़ने की सलाह दी। यह सब सोच मानव को एक दूसरे से अलग बनाती है तथा बटवारें की ओर ले जाती है। कबीर ने अनुसार मनुष्य को इन सभी चीजों में पड़ने की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है।

भाषा अध्ययन

15. निम्नलिखित शब्दों के तत्सम रूप लिखिए-

पखापखी, अनत, जोग, जुगति, बैराग, निरपख.

उत्तर: पखापखी - पक्ष-विपक्ष

अनत  –  अन्यत्र

जोग  –  योग

जुगति –   युक्ति

बैराग  –   वैराग्य

निष्पक्ष  –  निरपख

NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Hindi – Free PDF Download

The entire NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Kshitij Chapter 9 Sakhiya Avam Shabad PDF can now be downloaded from the main website of CoolGyan from anywhere. These solutions are an easy and quick way to revise all the main points discussed in this chapter. Students will find Hindi Kshitij Class 9 summary Chapter 9 extremely beneficial for understanding the difficult concepts of Sakhiyan and Sabad.

NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Hindi Chapter 9 – Kshitij – Sakhiyan and Sabad


Sant Kabir is an invaluable jewel of Hindi literature. There are numerous controversies around the birth and death of the great Sant Kabir. The largely accepted theory is that he was born in Kashi in 1398 and died around 1518 near some village in Maghar. Kabir did not receive any formal education, but his writings are based on his experiences gained through travel and spiritual discourses. Kabir Granthavali has a collection of all his creations, and a few of them are also in Guru Granth Sahib. Kabir was a propellant of the “Nirgun” tradition which means “without form”, and it does not subscribe to worshipping any deity in its physical form. Kabir was an extraordinarily kind and fearless saint and believed in the equality of religions. He abolished all the falsehood and discrimination based on caste or religion. His poems are a depiction of love for God, intellect, self-realization, respect for teachers, spiritual importance, and renunciation of worldly pleasures.

In the Sakhiyan collection of Hindi class, 9 NCERT solutions Kshitij Chapter 9, one would find the poet talking about the importance of love, rejection of pompous behaviour, and the glory of knowledge. In the first section, the poet points to the existence of God inside us, and in the next Shabad, he has glorified knowledge and its power. He says that with the help of knowledge and wisdom, human beings can rid themselves of their weaknesses.


In this portion of NCERT solution for Class 9 Hindi Kshitij Chapter 9, he gives an example about swans playing in a lake, and through them, he teaches us that the path to freedom is only in submitting ourselves to God. If we devote our lives to God, it will give us immense pleasure and satisfaction in life. Like the swans are picking pearls in the sacred lake (called Mansarovar) and enjoying themselves so much that they do not wish to go elsewhere, similarly, if humans occupy themselves in praying to God, they would be able to attain moksha (transcendent state of being).

Those who are devoted to God will never differentiate between other humans based on caste and religion. Kabir also laments over the scarcity of honest and truthful devotees of God.

The poet encourages people to get out of their predefined notion of living and do something extraordinary even if it brings the wrath of common and ignorant men. One should always concentrate on their goals and keep their spirits high amidst adverse situations.


This part of NCERT solutions Class 9 Hindi Kshitij Chapter 9 talks about God being omnipresent. People search for God in temples and mosques, but God is always near us. All it needs for us to do is to worship him with honesty and depth, and we will be able to witness God’s glory instantly. If people get lost in greed, selfishness, desires, ill-feelings towards others, then they can not attain spiritual knowledge.

He says that knowledge is like a strong gust of storm which can destroy all the chains of illusions. He describes how the roof which stands on greed and illusion comes down one by one when knowledge pervades our minds and soul.

He explains how saints have established a strong roof with their meditation and detachment from worldly pleasures. Nothing bad can ever enter this strong roof, and anyone who is in the shelter of such a roof cannot lose their path to moksha. The storm of knowledge is succeeded by a shower of love that drenches all human beings and wipes all pain and bad feelings from their hearts.

Exercise Sakhiyan

The solutions of Class 9 Hindi Chapter 9 Exercise Sakhiyan are prepared based on the understanding level of class 11th students. They explain each question with simplicity and ease of language.

Exercise Sakhiyan Solutions: 7 Questions (6 short questions, 1 long question).

Exercise Sabad

Answers to Sabad questions have been designed by CoolGyan team experts to provide all the solutions available in an easily accessible PDF format. Students can acquire a lot of insight into the hidden meanings of Sabad when they go through our solutions.

Exercise Sabad Solutions: 6 Questions (4 short questions, 2 long questions).

Exercise Expression

In this part, students are expected to explore their knowledge of Kabir and his work to answer the question.

Exercise Expression Solutions: 1 Question (1 long question).

Exercise Language Understanding

In this part, few words are given and students have to write their meaning in the pure form of Hindi. Exercise Language Understanding Solutions contains 1 question (1 short question).

Key Features of NCERT Solutions For Class Hindi Chapter 9

NCERT solution of Class 9th Hindi Kshitij Chapter 9 prepared by experts at CoolGyan has made Hindi appear very easy for students. Every part of the Sakhiyan or Sabad has been explained in detail which not just explains the meaning of words but also delves into its deeper levels. Some of the benefits of availing these solutions are:

  • The whole chapter is available in PDF format which is very handy for a quick revision.

  • You would get to learn all the meaning of difficult words used in the chapter so that you understand the topic better.

  • The Hindi Class 9 NCERT solutions Kshitij Chapter 9 are tailored for class 11th students and based on the CBSE curriculum which will help in getting good scores in exams.

  • Students will learn how to memorize key points by going through these solutions.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Based on the Poems in this Collection, Throw Some Light on Saint Kabir’s Religious and Communal Beliefs.

Kabir has tried to remove the veil of fanatic religious belief from people’s eyes, through his writing. He tried to propagate the equality of Hindu and Muslims and that they should be united. He has abolished the idea of worshipping deities and has advised humans not to get attached to any specific religion, community, or herd mentality. He says that God does not sit in temples or mosques but resides within each of us.

2. Explain the Meaning of the Following Lines taken from Sabad “Aandhi Peeche jo Jal Bootha, Prem Hari Jan Bheenon”.

The lines mentioned mean that after the storm of wisdom hits humanity, there is a shower of love. This shower drenches the hearts of anyone who has opened their eyes to knowledge. After gaining wisdom, a human being’s heart becomes pure and devoid of ill feelings.

3. Who has written Chapter 9 of Class 9 Hindi Kshitij textbook?

Chapter 9 in Class 9 Hindi textbook is called ‘Sakhis and Shabad’. It is written by Kabir Das. He was a saint and poet of the 15th century. He was born in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. His dohas or couplets were his way of communicating with the world and his contribution to literature. He was considered a mystic saint. He was born into a Muslim family, but his later life was largely influenced by Hindu leader Ramananda. 

4. What is Chapter 9 of Class 9 Hindi Khsitij textbook about?

The chapter Sakhiya and Shabad is a collection of short poems or couplets written by Kabir Das. The Sakhiyan in the text is about God and his omnipresence and how humans are caught up in trivial things of the world and have forgotten to look for or pray to God. Shabad talks about God’s omnipresence and how knowledge is the only thing that can save humans from unnecessary illusions in this world and keep in touch with reality. 

5. Explain the first Shabad of Chapter 9 of Class 9 Hindi Kshitij.

The Shabad is written by Kabir Das. The first Shabad talks about how God is omnipresent. Saint Kabir says that humans go to different places like temples, mosques etc to look for Ram or Allah. God is one, be it Ram or Allah. Humans waste their lifetime looking for god in these places and still are not able to find him. He says God is present within all of us, in our hearts, eyes, breath etc. 

6. Explain the second Shabad of Chapter 9 of Class 9 Hindi Kshitij.

The second Shabad focuses on the power of knowledge. In Kabir’s point of view, it is the most important thing human beings can have. In Shabad, he says that gaining knowledge sets a person free from all the inhibitions he may have. All the illusions of the world leave him. He lets go of his ego and lets the knowledge guide him. Once he is knowledgeable he is at peace and can fully devote himself to God. 

7. How can I prepare Chapter 9 of the Class 9 Hindi Kshitij textbook with the help of solutions PDF?

The PDF provided by CoolGyan, which is available for free download on the website, provides an easy explanation of all chapters in the textbook. All the online solutions are available chapter-wise on the CoolGyan app also. All the content is available free of cost. The  solutions of Chapter 9 have answers to all the textbook questions with extra practice questions for the students to attempt. It also provides a summary for all the Sakhiyan and Shabad. The answers are written in a simple language for the students to understand quickly.