NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science - The Earth Our Habitat Chapter 1

If you are looking for NCERT Solutions, you have come to the right place. CoolGyan is the most trustworthy platform that offers chapter-wise Class 6 Geography NCERT Solution prepared by our teachers who have immense experience in educating students. Here, we provide all study material for the preparation of Class 6 Social Science examination, which includes all the books in PDF format, chapter-wise Class 6 Social Science NCERT Solution, all previous year solved papers, sample papers, etc. CoolGyan offers complete and quality study material. That's why CoolGyan is the best platform for the preparation of exams. Download Class 6 Geography The Earth Our Habitat Chapter 1 free PDF at CoolGyan. Subjects like Science, Maths, English,Hindi will become easy to study if you have access to NCERT Solution for Class 6 Science, Maths solutions and solutions of other subjects. You can also download NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths to help you to revise complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Chapter 1 - The Earth in the Solar System


1. Answer the Following Questions Briefly.

A. How Does a Planet Differ From a Star?

Ans: The difference between a planet and a star is: A planet does not possess its own heat and light and is lit by the light of the stars. Whereas, a star is made up of gas possesses its own heat and light.

B. What is Meant by the ‘Solar System’?

Ans: The Sun, the eight planets along with their satellites, some other celestial bodies like asteroids and meteoroids form the solar system. For example, we can consider the solar system as a family whose head is the Sun.

C. Name All the Planets According to Their Distance From the Sun.

Ans: The planets are as follows:

  • Mercury

  • Venus

  • Earth

  • Mars

  • Jupiter

  • Saturn

  • Uranus

  • Neptune

D. Why is the Earth Called a Unique Planet?

Ans: The Earth is called a unique planet because it supports life. The conditions here are favourable to support life like air, water, and life-supporting gases. It is neither cool nor hot. 

E. Why Do We See Only One Side of the Moon Always?

Ans: We can see only one side of the moon always because it takes 27 days for a complete spin around the Earth as a result of which only one side of the moon is visible to us.

F. What is the Universe?

Ans: The Universe is a collection of millions of galaxies. A galaxy is a system that consists of billions of stars, planets, clouds of dust, etc.

2. Tick the Correct Answer.

A. The Planet is Known as the "Earth's Twin" is:

1. Jupiter

2. Saturn

3. Venus

Ans: (3) Venus

B. Which is the third nearest planet to the sun?

1. Venus

2. Earth

3. Mercury

Ans: (2) Earth

C. All the Planets Move Around the Sun in A

1. Circular path

2. Rectangular path

3. Elongated path 

Ans: (3) Elongated path

D. The Pole Star indicates the direction to the

1. South

2. North

3. East

Ans: (2)North

E. Asteroids are Found Between the Orbits of

1. Saturn and Jupiter

2. Mars and Jupiter

3. The Earth and Mars

Ans: (2) Mars and Jupiter

3. Fill in the Blanks.

  1. A Group of _____ Forming Various Patterns Is Called a _____.

Ans: stars, constellations

  1. A huge system of stars is called ____.

Ans: galaxy

  1. _____ is the closest celestial body to our earth. 

Ans: Moon

  1. ____ is the third nearest planet to the sun.

Ans: Earth

  1. Planets do not have their own _____ and _____ .

Ans: heat, light

Class 6 Social Science Geography Chapter 1 - The Earth in the Solar System

Through this Chapter, we will get information about the solar system. In this chapter, we will learn about the following topics:

  1. Celestial Bodies, Planets of the Solar System

  2. Stars, The Earth

  3. Constellations, The Moon

  4. Planets, Asteroids

  5. Satellite, Universe

  6. The Solar System, Meteoroids

  7. The Sun, Galaxy

Sun, Moon, Stars and all the things that shine in the sky during the night are called celestial bodies. Some celestial bodies are large and very hot, they are made of similar gases. Through this chapter, we will also get to know about the Planets of the solar system. The celestial bodies that have their own heat and light are called stars, the countless stars visible at night are huge and hot as the Sun, but many are many times bigger than the Sun. There are a total of 8 Planets in our solar system, based on the distance from the sun, their order is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus.

NCERT Solution With The Latest Syllabus For Class 6 Social Science

The syllabus of Social Science of Class VI is mainly divided into three parts namely History, Geography and Civics. The Social Science subject of Class VI covers all the chapters through which children will know about the subject. In Geography, we will learn about the complete information of the solar system. The last part is Social and Political life, which is also known as Civics. This section will talk about government, diversity, discrimination, urban livelihood and Rural administration. NCERT Solution Class 6 Social Science The Earth Our Habitat consists of 8 chapters. To understand all the chapters, you must visit CoolGyan. Here, the chapter-wise solution is available on CoolGyan’s platform to download with the help of direct links:

  • Chapter 1 - The Earth in the Solar System

  • Chapter 2 - Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes 

  • Chapter 3 - Motions Of the Earth

  • Chapter 4 - Maps

  • Chapter 5 - Major Domains of the Earth

  • Chapter 6 - Major Landforms of the Earth

  • Chapter 7 - Our Country - India

  • Chapter 8 - India: Climate, WildLife and Vegetation.

Whenever the whole chapter is practised with the help of NCERT Solutions by CoolGyan, we get a better knowledge about the chapter. All the exercises from the NCERT textbook are very helpful. The best thing is that NCERT exercise has been made with all kinds of questions: easy, moderate and difficult. We all know that due to the Coronavirus in India, the CBSE Board has reduced the syllabus by 30%. Many students do not have the right knowledge about the syllabus. To solve the problem of such students, CoolGyan offers the pated CBSE syllabus. The solutions of all the chapters have been provided according to the new syllabus.

How Does CoolGyan Help you Score Good Marks in Board Exams?

To get good marks in any examination, it is important what kind of study material we are using. If you do not have the right study material, you will not be able to perform well in the exam. CoolGyan will help you score well in the exam. CoolGyan is the best platform that provides complete study material for exams preparations. All study material is created by our experienced team members. All questions asked in previous years have also been provided to you by CoolGyan. With the help of these questions, you will get to know how the questions can be asked in the exam. CoolGyan offers reference books that can help improve your performance and you can get good marks in exams.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What is the Difference Between the Planet and the Satellite?

Some celestial bodies do not have their own light or heat. They are illuminated by the light of stars. Such bodies are called planets. Satellites are also celestial bodies. Like how planets orbit the Sun, in the same way, the satellites revolve around the planets. Our earth on which we live is a planet, our earth has a satellite moon that orbits the earth. Earth is a planet and the moon is a satellite.

2. Are NCERT Solutions For Class 6 Social Science Chapter 1 - The Earth In the Solar System Enough to Prepare for the Exam?

Yes, NCERT Solution for Class 6 Social Science Chapter 1 available on CoolGyan is enough for the board exams. All solutions are prepared by our expert team members. Sometimes, a student chooses a resource that is not useful for him and the student does not perform well in the exam. However, CoolGyan offers complete and qualitative study material. That's why NCERT Solution for Class 6 Social Science Chapter 1- The Earth In the Solar System is enough to prepare for the exams.

3. What is the Solar System?

The Solar System, as the name suggests, includes the Sun at the centre and the planets that revolve around it in their respective orbits. As of now, our solar system is characterized by 8 planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Pluto used to be another planet in the Solar System but not anymore. Our Sun is the epicentre of our Solar System and our Mother Earth is the third planet in our Solar System.

4. Where is the Earth in the Solar System?

Our Mother Earth is the third planet in our Solar System which means that the Earth is the third nearest planet in the Solar System. The other two planets nearer to the sun are Mercury and Venus. All of them revolve around the sun in their respective paths known as orbits. The Sun is at the epicentre of our Solar System. To know more about the Earth students can refer to NCERT solutions PDF, available free of cost on CoolGyan platform.

5. What does the Earth look like and what is its shape?

The Earth is shaped like an orange and not round like a football. This shape is known as Geoid. Just like the orange is flattened at its poles and bulges somewhere near the middle, the Earth too is flattened at the poles and the bulging part occurs at the Earth’s equator. One can study more about the equator and poles in detail in the NCERT Social Science Solutions for Chapter 1 on the CoolGyan website and the app.

6. In Chapter 1 of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Geography Chapter 1, how many questions are present?

There are three main questions in Chapter 1 of the Class 6 Geography textbook. These questions further have sub-questions. Most of the given questions are of the simple Multiple Choice Questions type. The solutions can be found in the link given below. The questions are simple and are based on the content of the chapter. The chapter also has interesting facts and different illustrated images for a better understanding. Visit the link-NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science to take a look at the solutions.

7. What do you mean by comets?

Comets circle the Sun-like cosmic snowballs of frozen gases, rock, and dust. They are the size of a sizable town when frozen. When a comet approaches the Sun, it warms up and spews dust and gases into a massive blazing head the size of most planets. “Dirty snowballs” or "Icy Mud Balls" are two terms used to describe comets. They're a combination of ices and dust that didn't make it into planets during the formation of the solar system for whatever reason.