ICSE Sample Papers for Class 8 History and Civics

ICSE Board Sample Papers for Class 8 History and Civics is a fruitful source to help students do their best in class 8 ICSE board History and Civics. The set of sample question papers offer you a replica of the main question paper pattern covering the important question from every unit and chapter along with a total number of marks weightage to every question adored by the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education

Learning History and Civics helps you in:

  1. Providing a grip about the working of the Indian government to help the student to grow into a responsible citizen.
  2. Enriching the grasp on those aspects of Indian historical development which are crucial to contemporary India.
  3. Awakening a common desire for nationalism in every student equally.
  4. Developing a historical view of the contributions made by different cultures to humanity.

Download the ICSE class 8 History and Civics sample papers from the links given in the table below.

Why are sample papers important?

  1. To brush up the topics you’ve learned.
  2. To realise how time should be managed.
  3. To overcome fear and gain confidence.
  4. To practice rigorously.
  5. To rectify mistakes.

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