Quadrilateral Worksheet

A quadrilateral is a plane figure consisting of four sides and four angles. They are sometimes termed as tetragons or quadrangles. They are divided into convex, concave and crossed quadrilaterals. A simple quadrilateral is a quadrilateral that is not intersecting. Concave and Convex quadrilaterals are also considered as simple quadrilaterals.

In Convex Quadrilaterals both diagonals lie in the quadrilateral, and all the interior angles are less than 180 degrees. In the case of Concave Quadrilateral, one of the two diagonals lies outside the quadrilateral, and one interior angle is greater than 180 degrees. There are different math formulas to solve questions based on these topics.


Quadrilateral Worksheets are customizable. The questions are based completely on CBSE Syllabus and NCERT. They are of great help for calculating the area of quadrilaterals. These problems ask to calculate the area by giving the required coordinates of the vertices of the different shapes.

There are different types of Quadrilaterals, and they are Kite, Rhombus, Square, Rectangle, Parallelogram and Trapezoid. These math worksheets involve the activity that asks students to name the quadrilaterals among the different types. These worksheets are a useful source and are generated randomly.

Quadrilateral Worksheet for Class 8

  1. The four angles of a quadrilateral are in the ratio 2: 3: 5: 8. Find the angles.
  2. A quadrilateral has _____ angles.
  3. A quadrilateral has 3 acute angles, each measuring 75 degrees. Find the measure of 4th angle.
  4. Prove that the sum of four angles of a quadrilateral is 360 degrees.
  5. The quadrilateral has _____ diagonals. The sum of all the angles of a hexagon is 720 degrees.

Quadrilateral worksheet PDF for class 8 to solve more problems:-Download PDF Here

Quadrilateral Worksheet for Class 9

  1. If the area of a parallelogram with sides a and b is A and that of a rectangle with sides a and b is B then,(choose the correct option)A > B A = B A < B
  2. All the angles of the quadrilateral can be obtuse. Is this statement true? Give a reason?
  3. Diagonals of a parallelogram are perpendicular to each other. Is this statement true? Give reason.
  4. The figure formed by joining the midpoints of the adjacent sides of a quadrilateral is a __.

Quadrilateral worksheet PDF for class 9 to solve more problems:-Download PDF Here