Grade 5 Smart Charts Worksheets

Grade 5 Maths Smart Charts Worksheets

1. A jay made a record of his favourite animals he saw in the zoo. Make a tally chart and answer the following questions:
CBSE Class 5 Maths Smart Charts Worksheets 1
(a) How many animals did Ajay see altogether? CBSE Class 5 Maths Smart Charts Worksheets 2
(b) Which animal is least in number? CBSE Class 5 Maths Smart Charts Worksheets 3
(c) Which animal is maximum in number? CBSE Class 5 Maths Smart Charts Worksheets 4

2. Read and write the number for the given tally marks.
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3. Draw tally marks for the following numbers:
(a) 7
(b) 9
(c) 23
(d) 25
4. Given below is the representation of different vehicles in a town. Study and answer the questions. (1 CBSE Class 5 Maths Smart Charts Worksheets 6 = 10 vehicles)
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(a) Which vehicle is maximum in town?
(b) Which vehicle is 50 in number?
(c) What is total number of vehicles in the town?
5. This is a graph of pets that belong to the students of Miss Smith’s class. Use the information from the graph to answer the questions.
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(a) How many dogs do the students have? ………………..
(b) How many birds do they have? ………………
(c) How many cats do they have? …………………
(d) How many fish do they have? …………………
6. Observe the following bar chart and answer the questions:
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(a) How many children were absent on Tuesday?
(b) How many more children were absent on Thursday than on Monday?
(c) On which day were the least children absent?
(d) On which day the number of’children absent was exactly the half of that on Thursday?
7. In a class of 100 students data of fruits liked was collected as follows.
Represent this using chapati chart/pie chart:
Pineapple €” 20
Orange €” 15
Banana €” 40
Apple €” 25
CBSE Class 5 Maths Smart Charts Worksheets 10
(a) Which is the most favourite fruit? …………………
(b) Which is least favourite fruit? ……………….
(c) How many students like oranges? ………………
(d) The difference between the number of students that like oranges and bananas is …………………
8. Look at the pie chart showing different sports liked by people:
(a) Which is the most popular sport? ……………….
(b) Which is the least popular sport? ………………..
(c) Do more children enjoy Hockey or Tennis? ……………….
(d) Arrange the sports liked by children in increasing order. ………………
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9. Mr. Sobieski asked his class to vote on where they would most like to go on a field trip. The choices he gave them were: history museum, science museum, art gallery, and nature preserve. All 30 students cast one vote each. The pie graph below shows the results.
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Complete the table below to show how many votes each choice received.
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(a) How many more students chose the History Museum than the Science Museum? ………………
(b) How many students chose the Nature Preserve or the Art Gallery? …………………

Worksheets for Class 5 Maths