NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Sanchayan

NCERT Solutions provide useful study material for Class 9 Chapter 1 Sanchayan. The subject experts at CoolGyan have prepared the NCERT Solutions Class 9 Chapter 1 Sanchayan for a better understanding of the chapter. These NCERT Solutions consists of solved exercises by referring to which students will be able to learn the chapter thoroughly. NCERT Solution Class 9 Chapter 1 Sanchayan can be downloaded from CoolGyan for free. NCERT Solutions Class 9 Chapter 1 Sanchayan cover all the important key points of the chapter so students can refer to them for the last-minute revision.  

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Access NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Sanchayan पाठ-1 गिल्लू

(1) सोनजुही मे लगी पीली कली को देखकर लेखिका के मन में कौन से विचार उमड़ने लगे?

उत्तर: सोनजुही की पिली काली मनमोहक होती है और गिल्लू उसकी लताओं में छिपकर बैठ जाता था और लेखिका के पास आते ही कूद कर कंधे पर बैठ जाता था। सोनजुही में लगी पीली कली लेखिका को  गिल्लू को याद दिलाती थी।

(2) पाठ के आधार पर कौए को एक साथ समादरित और अनादरित  प्राणी क्यों कहा गया है ?

उत्तर: पितरपक्ष  में कौए के माध्यम से अपने पुरखों को तृप्त करने के लिए कौए को भोजन कराना और कौए का बोलना किसी के आने का समाचार होता है, यह उसके प्रति आदर व्यक्त करता है। अतः उसकी कर्कश आवाज़ सुन कर उसे उड़ा देना उसके प्रति अनादर का भाव प्रकट करता है ।

(3) गिलहरी के घायल बच्चे का उपचार किस प्रकार किया गया?

उत्तर: लेखिका गिलहरी के बच्चे को उठाकर जिसको कौए ने घायल कर दिया था अपने कमरे मे ले आई। पहले  उसके रक्त को साफ किया और फिर पेंसिलीन का लेप लगाया। रूई की बत्ती बनाकर उसे दूध मे भिगोया और बच्चे का मुँह खोलकर दूध पिलाने का प्रयास किया। कई घंटे उपचार के बाद बच्चे का मुँह खुला तो रुई के फाहे से पानी पिलाया। इस तरह गिलहरी के बच्चे का उपचार किया गया।

(4) लेखिका का ध्यान आकर्षित करने के लिए गिल्लू क्या करता था?

उत्तर: लेखिका का ध्यान आकिर्षत करने के लिए गिल्लू दौड़ता रहता जब तक लेखिका उसे पकड़ नहीं लेती और  वह लेखिका के पैर तक आकर सर्र से परदे पर चढ़ जाता, उसी तेजी से उतरता अत: भूख लगने पर चिक-चिक करता और लेखिका से काजू और विस्कुट लेकर शांत होता।

(5.) गिल्लू को मुक्त करने की आवश्यकता क्यों समझी गई और उसके लिए लेखिका ने क्या उपाय किया ?

उत्तर: जब नीम और चमेली की गंध लेखिका के कमरे में आने लगी और गिल्लू के जीवन में प्रथम बसंत आया एवं बाहर की गिलहरियाँ खिड़की की जाली के पास आकर चिक-चिक करके गिल्लू से न जाने क्या कहने लगी। ऐसे में गिल्लू का जाली से बाहर झांकते देखकर लेखिका को लगा कि इसे अब मुक्त कर देना चाहिए। लेखिका ने जाली का एक कोना खोल दिया जिससे गिल्लू बाहर जाने लगा।

(6)  गिल्लू किन-किन अर्थों में परिचारिका की भूमिका निभा रहा था?

उत्तर: जब लेखिका मोटर दुर्घटना में आहत होकर अस्पताल से घर आई तब गिल्लू लेखिका के सिरहाने इस तरह बैठा रहता जैसे कोई परिचारिका सेवा कर रही हो और अपने नन्हे -नन्हे पंजों से लेखिका के बालों को सहलाता। लेखिका को उसका हटना परिचारिका के हटने के समान लगता था।

(7) गिल्लू की किन चेष्टाओं से यह आभास मिलने लगा था कि अब उसका अंत समीप  है?

उत्तर: गिलहरियों की उमर दो वर्ष की होती है और गिल्लू भी दो वर्ष का हो चुका था। उसने दिन भर कुछ भी न खाया, न ही बाहर घूमने गया। रात को आपने  झूले से उतरकर लेखिका के बिस्तर पर आ गया और ठंडे पंजों से लेखिका की उँगली पकड़कर हाथ से चिपक गया और हमेशा के लिए सो गया।

(8) ‘प्रभात की प्रथम किरण के स्पर्श के साथ ही वह किसी और जीवन में जागने के लिए सो गया' का आशय स्पष्ट कीजिए।

उत्तर: सूर्य की पहली किरण के साथ ही गिल्लू ने दम तोड़ दिया था। अतः लेखिका को विश्वास है कि गिल्लू की आत्मा किसी अन्य जीव के रूप में जन्म लेने को तैयार है।

(9) सोनजुही की लता के नीचे बनी गिल्लू की समाधि से लेखिका के मन में किस विश्वास का जन्म होता है?

उत्तर: गिल्लू की की समाधी सोनजुही  की लता के नीचे बनाई गई क्योंकि एक तो गिल्लू को यह लता बहुत पसंद थी दूसरा इसलिए कि यह लेखिका को संतोष देता था कि किसी बसंती दिन गिल्लू जूही के छोटे से पत्ते के रूप में जरूर खिलेगा और जुही के पीले फूल मे गिल्लू की आभा प्रकट होगी।

Sanchayan Class 9 Chapter 1 – All Questions

It is very easy to download the NCERT Solution Sanchayan Class 9 Chapter 1 PDF from CoolGyan website and mobile app. The NCERT Solutions will help you to easily understand the concepts covered in the chapter and memorize them for a better understanding. The PDF will provide you more knowledge about the chapter in a short duration of time. NCERT Solution Class 9 Hindi Chapter 1 Sanchayan will provide you with all the questions and answers for this chapter with the best explanation. All the answers are provided by the subject experts. By referring to these NCERT Solutions students will be able to write the answers in exams in the proper format.

NCERT Solution Class 9 Hindi Sanchayan Chapters 

Chapter 1: Gillu

NCERT Solution Class 9 Hindi Chapter 1 Sanchayan is titled Gillu. This chapter is about the writer’s pet squirrel and its various encouraging activities. Once the author had faced an accident and she was in horrible pain the squirrel from the amusement park came and helped her, the author wants to tell that like people, animals too can feel the pain and they too have emotions. This PDF covers all possible questions and answers along with a few activities, so that students can understand it easily.

Class 9 Hindi Chapter-wise Marks Weightage

Class 9 Chapter 1 is one of the most important topics and has the highest weightage among all. Questions from this chapter are asked in the board exams every year. You will learn how to write your answers by highlighting key points and frame answers that help you score better. 

The topics covered in this chapter are given below.

what way Gillu was playing the role of ideology (1 long)

What did Gillu do to get the writers attention (2 short)

How was the injured child of squirrel treated (1 short)

Explain the summary of the chapter in short. (1 short question) 

How Are The NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Hindi Chapter 1 Beneficial?

  • Our simplified answer presents a comprehensive understanding which enables students to prepare for examination fast.

  • The PDF covers all the in-text questions with simple answers which can be understood without difficulty.

  • NCERT Solutions make the topic very easy to understand and by referring to them students can get good marks.

  • It explains all the topics in simple language.

  • NCERT Solution Class 9 Hindi Chapter 1 provides all questions like long answers, short answers, to help prepare students for the exam.

  • It provides a quick recap for Class 9 Hindi Chapter 1 Sanchayan to help you with the revision before the exam.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1. Why did the writer understand that Gillu needs to be free and what measures did she take?

Ans: The writer decided to free Gillu because it was his first spring. The outside squirrels used to come near the window and start saying something. At that time, Gillu used to sit beside the window and stare at them. It was at that moment, the writer felt the need for Gillu to be freed, as he too wanted to meet his friends. He also wants to play with them. Hence, the writer opened the window so that Gillu could get the way to go outside. In this way, the writer freed Gillu so that he also can enjoy his life freely with his friends. 

Q2. In what ways Gillu was playing the role of ideology?

Ans: One day the author was injured badly in a road accident. She was admitted to the hospital for some time. After returning from hospital Gillu used to take care of her until she was fine. Gillu used to sit at the head of the pillow of the writer, stroking and massaging her head and hair so gently with little toes. With this, removal from the writer’s side seemed like an ideological move. The writer was deeply attached to Gillu as no one was there who took care of her as Gillu did. Thus in this way, Gillu played the role of ideology in the writer’s life. 

Q3. What is Chapter 1 of Class 9 Hindi textbook Sanchayan about?

Ans: The name of Chapter 1 for Class 9 Hindi textbook Sanchayan is Gillu. The writer's pet squirrel and its many encouraging actions are discussed in this chapter. When the author was in terrible agony after an accident, a squirrel from the amusement park rushed to her aid. The author wishes to emphasise that animals, like people, can experience pain and have feelings. The NCERT Solutions provided by CoolGyan include all potential questions and answers, as well as a few activities, so students can quickly grasp the material. These solutions are available at free of cost on CoolGyan website( and mobile app as well.

Q4. How to make notes of Chapter 1 of Class 9 Hindi textbook Sanchayan for exam of Hindi subject?

Ans: To make notes of Chapter 1 of Class 9 Hindi textbook Sanchayan, you must make sure that you know all about the chapter so that you can sum it up in your notes. The NCERT book should be used at all times and you must note down the keywords from the chapter to make it more relevant to the CBSE curriculum. You can start off by thoroughly reading the chapter and then underlining the important points. You must note these points for a better analysis and then do the NCERT questions.

Q5. Is NCERT enough for Chapter 1 of Class 9 Hindi textbook Sanchayan?

Ans: Chapter 1 of Class 9 Hindi textbook Sanchayan can be sufficiently studied through the NCERT that provides a comprehensive text and some questions to practise with. The CBSE curriculum is strictly adhered to in the NCERT which also shows you how your year's or session's paper pattern will be. As a result, you must carefully read it. The CBSE curriculum is revised in accordance with the NCERT pattern or textbooks, although physical textbooks cannot always be updated. So, make sure you have the most recent NCERT textbook downloaded. Also, be sure to complete all of the NCERT Hindi Class 9 Solutions of Chapter 1 provided by CoolGyan.

Q6. Is Chapter 1 of Class 9 Hindi textbook Sanchayan easy?

Ans: The Chapter 1 of Class 9 Hindi textbook Sanchayan is quite easy but you must not take it lightly as it is very tactful at the same time. This is because Chapter 1 of Class 9 Hindi is one of the most essential topics, with the greatest weightage. Every year, questions from this chapter are asked on the board examinations. You will learn how to compose better replies by emphasising crucial topics and framing your responses.

Q7. How to write the literature of Chapter 1 of Class 9 Hindi textbook Sanchayan?

Ans: For Chapter 1 of Class 9 Hindi, you must thoroughly read your NCERT text and formulate your answers accordingly. Marks are given not simply for how good your Hindi is, but also for how effectively you explain your phrases and how neatly your answers are written. You must ensure that there is no overwriting or cutting, and if you believe you are likely to make errors, you must carefully evaluate your arguments and replies and scribble them down on a crude column that you can quickly draw along the paper's margins. After that, carefully compile those points and double-check for mistakes.