NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 Locomotion and Movement

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Exercise Questions Page Number – 313

1. Draw the diagram of a sarcomere of skeletal muscle showing different regions.


The diagram below shows the sarcomere of skeletal muscle showing different regions:

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 Image 1

2. Define sliding filament theory of muscle contraction.


Sliding filament theory states that the muscle fibre contraction occurs due to the sliding of the thin filaments over thick filaments.

3. Describe the important steps in muscle contraction.


The mechanism of muscle contraction is explained well by the sliding filament theory which states that the muscle fibre contraction occurs due to the sliding of the thin filaments over the thick filaments.

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 Image 2

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 Image 3

Mechanism of muscle contraction:

Step 1 – Depolarization of Sarcolemma

1. The central nervous system (CNS) sends a signal through a motor neuron which arrives at the neuromuscular junction or the motor end plate

2. The junction present between the sarcolemma of the muscle fiber and the motor neuron is called the neuromuscular junction

3. The release of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine is triggered when the signal arrives at the neuromuscular junction. The action potential in the sarcolemma is set by this release.

Step 2 – Release of Calcium ions

1. The sarcolemma transmits the action potential to the sarcoplasmic reticulum in order to release the calcium ions in the sarcoplasm

Step 3 – Conformational changes occurs in the Actin filaments

1. The calcium ions that are released, tends to bind to the troponin and tropomyosin located on the active filaments

2. This linkage causes a modification in the three-dimensional structure of the actin-troponin-tropomyosin complex. The active site for myosin which is located on the actin filament is exposed.

Step 4 – Activation of Myosin heads

1. The calcium ions release causes the myosin heads to get activated which inturn causes the release of energy in the form of ATP

2. Hydrolysis of ATP releases energy which causes the binding of myosin heads to the active sites found on the actin filaments hence forming a cross-bridge

Step 5 – Actin Filaments slide over Myosin

1. The myosin head rotates due to the formation of cross-bridge, pulling the actin filaments to the centre of the A-band which is the H-zone

2. The z-line which is attached to the actin filaments is pulled inwards too

3. Contraction of sarcomere occurs when the actin filaments are pulled in the opposite ends

4. During the process of contraction, the I-band shortens whereas the A-band maintains its length causing the muscles to contract.

4. Write true or false. If false change the statement so that it is true.

(a) Actin is present in thin filament

(b) H-zone of striated muscle fibre represents both thick and thin filaments.

(c) Human skeleton has 206 bones.

(d) There are 11 pairs of ribs in man.

(e) Sternum is present on the ventral side of the body.


(a) Actin is present in thin filament – True

(b) H-zone of striated muscle fibre represents both thick and thin filaments – False

Corrected statement: H-zone of the striated muscle fiber represents only thick filaments

(c) Human skeleton has 206 bones – True

(d) There are 11 pairs of ribs in man – False

Corrected statement: There are 12 pairs of ribs in man.

(e) Sternum is present on the ventral side of the body – True

5. Write the difference between:

(a) Actin and Myosin

(b) Red and White muscles

(c) Pectoral and Pelvic girdle


The differences are as follows:

a) Actin and myosin



Thin filaments (I-bands) of the myofilament are formed

Thick filaments (A-bands) of the myofilament are formed

It is built of globular actin monomers

It is built of meromyosin monomers

The regulatory proteins Tropnin and tropomyosin are linked with the actin

The regulatory proteins are not linked, instead each of the meromyosin is built of four light chains and two identical heavy chains

b) Red and white muscles


Red muscles

White muscles

Myoglobin content



Amount of sarcoplasmic reticulum




Narrow and thin

Broad and thick


Possess many



Not fatigued


Type of respiration from which energy is derived



c) Pectoral and Pelvic girdle

Pectoral girdle

Pelvic girdle

Pectoral girdle is called as the shoulder girdle

Pelvic girdle is called as the hip girdle

Each part/half of the girdle consists of two bones – clavicle and scapula

Each part/half of the girdle consists of three bones – ischium, ilium and pubis

Forelimb articulation is offered

Hindlimb articulation is offered

Head of the humerus articulates with the glenoid cavity of the pectoral girdle

Head of the femur articulates with the acetabulum of the pelvic girdle

6. Match Column I with Column II:

Column I

Column II

(a) Smooth muscle

(i) Myoglobin

(b) Tropomyosin

(ii) Thin filament

(c) Red muscle

(iii) Sutures

(d) Skull

(iv) Involuntary


Column I

Column II

(a) Smooth muscle

(iv) Involuntary

(b) Tropomyosin

(ii) Thin filament

(c) Red muscle

(i) Myoglobin

(d) Skull

(iii) Sutures


7. What are the different types of movements exhibited by the cells of human body?


Movement is considered to be one of the fundamental characteristics which is observed in the living entities. The different types of movements exhibited by the human body cells are:

1. Amoeboid Movement – Leucocytes found in blood exhibit this type of movement. Leucocytes from the circulatory system move towards the injury site when there is a damage to the tissue in order to initiate an immune response.

2. Muscular movement – The muscle cells exhibit this type of movement

3. Ciliary movement – Sex cells (sperms and ova) exhibit this type of movement. This movement facilitates the passage of ova via the fallopian tube on its way to the uterus.

8. How do you distinguish between a skeletal muscle and a cardiac muscle?


The differences between a skeletal muscle and a cardiac muscle is as follows:

Skeletal muscle

Cardiac muscle

Linked to the primary bones

Located in the walls of the heart

Voluntary in nature

Involuntary in nature

Peripherally located nucleus

Centrally located nucleus

The muscle fibers of the skeletal muscles are unbranched

The muscle fibers of the cardiac muscles are branched

Intercalated discs are not found in the Muscle fibers of the skeletal muscles

Intercalated discs are found in the muscle fibers of the cardiac muscles

Brings about the locomotory actions of the body and maintains body posture

Responsible for the movement/motion of the heart

9. Name the type of joint between the following:-

(a) atlas/axis

(b) carpal/metacarpal of thumb

(c) Between phalanges

(d) femur/acetabulum

(e) Between cranial bones

(f) Between pubic bones in the pelvic girdle


The types of joints are as follows:

(a) atlas/axis – Pivot joint

(b) carpal/metacarpal of thumb – Saddle joint

(c) Between phalanges – Hinge joint

(d) femur/acetabulum – Ball and socket joint

(e) Between cranial bones – Fibrous joint

(f) Between pubic bones in the pelvic girdle – cartilaginous joint

10. Fill in the blank spaces:

(a) All mammals (except a few) have __________ cervical vertebra.

(b) The number of phalanges in each limb of human is __________

(c) Thin filament of myofibril contains 2 ‘F’ actins and two other proteins namely____ and _____.

(d) In a muscle fibre Ca++ is stored in __________

(e) __________ and __________ pairs of ribs are called floating ribs.

(f) The human cranium is made of __________ bones


(a) Seven

(b) Fourteen

(c) Troponin, tropomyosin

(d) Sarcoplasmic reticulum

(e) Eleventh, twelfth

(f) Eight

List of subtopics covered in Chapter 20 – Locomotion and Movement
20.1Types of Movement
20.3Skeletal System
20.5Disorders of Muscular and Skeletal System

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 – Locomotion and Movement

Locomotion and movement are some of the features exhibited by living entities, except for plants who are immobile. In previous years students would have studied the basics of locomotion and movement. In Class 11, getting deeper into the topic, students are enlightened furthermore about the mechanism of locomotion and other related concepts.

Movement is one of the significant features of living beings. Plants and animals exhibit a wide range of movements. Locomotion is a voluntary movement. Organisms move for different purposes, in search of food, shelter, away from predators, etc. Animals vary in the methods of their locomotion. The chapter briefs about the different structures used for locomotion, their mechanism, the skeletal system, joints, the various disorders of the skeletal system, and the muscular system.

Key Features of NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 – Locomotion and Movement

  • NCERT Solutions are framed with textbook-based content
  • Easy to understand and simple to grasp concepts
  • Use of relevant analogies wherever necessary
  • Use of neatly labelled diagrams supporting the concept
  • Use of pointers and tables wherever required

Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20

Explain the types of movements exhibited by the cells of the human body in the Chapter 20 of NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology.

The types of movements exhibited by the cells of the human body in the Chapter 20 of NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology are –
1. Muscular movement – The muscle cells exhibit this type of movement.
2. Amoeboid movement – Leucocytes found in blood exhibit this type of movement. Leucocytes from the circulatory system move towards the site of injury when there is damage to the tissue to increase immune response.
3. Ciliary movement – Sex cells exhibit this type of movement. It facilitates the passage of ova through the fallopian tube on the way to uterus.

What topics/subtopics are covered in the Chapter 20 of NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology?

The topics/subtopics covered in the Chapter 20 of NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology are –
20.1 – Types of Movement
20.2 – Muscle
20.3 – Skeletal System
20.4 – Joints
20.5 – Disorders of Muscular and Skeletal System

Is the NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 from CoolGyan’S sufficient for exam preparation?

The NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 from CoolGyan’S are framed based on the textbook content. The concepts are explained in a simple and understandable language to help students grasp them faster. Relevant analogies are used wherever required to boost the exam preparation of students. Neatly labelled diagrams for each concept are created to involve students in visual learning. Tables and pointers are used wherever necessary to help students learn new concepts effortlessly. The NCERT Solutions from CoolGyan’S not only help students with their exam preparation but also improves confidence to appear for various competitive exams like JEE, NEET etc.