Sampling Error Calculator

Enter the Sample Size =

Maximum Sampling Error =±


Sampling Error Calculator is a free online tool that displays the sampling error for the given sample size. CoolGyan’S online sampling error calculator tool performs the calculation faster, and it displays the sampling error in a fraction of seconds.

How to Use the Sampling Error Calculator? 

The procedure to use the sampling error calculator is as follows:

Step 1: Enter the sample size in the input field

Step 2: Now click the button “Calculate Sampling Error” to get the result

Step 3: Finally, the sampling error will be displayed in the output field

What is Meant by Sampling Error?

The sampling error is defined as the statistical error, which occurs when the statistician does not choose the sample, which represents the entire population. We know that sampling is the process, which is performed by selecting the number of observations from the large population. While selecting the samples, it may or may not produce a sampling error. Generally, the sampling error can be reduced by increasing the number of observations or by randomising the sample selection. The sampling error formula is given by:

Sampling Error = Z × (σ/√n)


“n” is the sample size.

“Z” is the Z-score value, which is approximately taken as 1.96 (Based on the confidence interval 95%).

“σ” is the standard deviation.

If the sample size is given, then the sampling error is approximately calculated as follows:

Sampling Error, S. E = (1/√ N) 100

Consider the sample size = 10, then the sampling error is:

Sampling Error =  (1/√10) 100

S.E = (1/ 3.162) 100

S.E = (0.316)100

S.E = 31.6

Therefore, the sampling error is approximately equal to 31.6