Kilometer to Mile Calculator

Kilometer (km):
Mile (mile):

Kilometer to Mile Calculator is a free online tool that displays the conversion of kilometers to miles. CoolGyan’S online kilometer to mile calculator tool performs the calculation faster and it displays the conversion in a fraction of seconds.

How to Use the Kilometer to Mile Calculator? 

The procedure to use the kilometer to mile calculator is as follows:

Step 1: Enter the kilometer in the input field

Step 2: Now click the button “Solve” to get the conversion value

Step 3: Finally, the conversion of kilometer to mile will be displayed in the output field

What is Meant by Kilometers to Miles?

In general, kilometers to miles is the conversion of distance from kilometers to miles. kilometers and miles are used to measure the length from one point to the other. In the metric system, kilometer is the unit of length and it is considered as the International System of Units, whereas miles are used in the imperial and US customary units. The kilometer is abbreviated as “km”, and the mile is abbreviated as “mi”. These two measures are mostly used to measure geographical land areas.

KM to Miles Conversion Formula

The following conversion value is used to convert the measure of distance from km to miles.

1 kilometer = 0.62137119 miles

How to convert km to miles?

To convert kilometers to miles, the conversion factor is required. It means that 1 kilometer is approximately equal to 0.62137119 miles.

For example, to convert 15 kilometers to miles, follow the procedure given below:

Given that kilometers = 15

To convert 15 kilometers to miles, multiply the given kilometer by 0.62137119

We know that 1 kilometer = 0.62137119 miles

So, 15 kilometers = 15 × 0.62137119

15 kilometers = 9.320 miles.

Therefore, 15 kilometers to miles is 9.320 miles.

Kilometers to Miles Examples

Example 1:

Convert 2 kilometers to miles.


We know that 1 kilometer is approximately equal to 0.62137119 miles.

Hence, 2 km to miles = 2× 0.62137119

2 km = 1.24274238 miles

Therefore, 2 kilometers to miles is 1.24274238.

Example 2:

Convert 10 kilometers to miles.


We know that, 

1 kilometer = 0.62137119 miles.

So, 10 km = 10 × 0.62137119

10 km = 6.2137119 miles.

Therefore, 10 kilometers to miles is 6.2137119.

Stay tuned to CoolGyan’S – App for more online calculators.

Frequently Asked Questions on Kilometers to Miles

What is meant by kilometers to miles?

Kilometers to miles is the conversion of distance from the unit kilometer to the unit miles.

How many miles is equal to 1 kilometer?

1 kilometer is approximately equal to 0.62137119 miles.

Convert 3 kilometers to miles.

We know that 1 km = 0.62137119 miles.
So, 3 km = 3 × 0.62137119 = 1.86411357 miles.
Therefore, 3 kilometers to miles is 1.86411357.