Telangana Intermediate 1 Year Biology Syllabus

Telangana Intermediate I Year Biology is interesting as it deals with both Botany, the Science of plants and also Zoology, the study of animals. Students, who have plans to take up science for their higher studies or want to get into Medical profession, are widely fascinated by both these branches that are covered under the First Year of Intermediate Biology.  In better words, one can say that Zoology is in fact a Science of Animals, where we get to learn their interaction with the ecosystems.

The syllabus for the academic year 2020-21 was reduced by 30%. Find here details of the deleted portion for Botany and Zoology.

Telangana Intermediate I Year Deleted Syllabus for Biology 2020-21

Meanwhile, students fascinated by Botany can also opt to be a Plant Scientist, a Botanist or rather take up some other specialisation of Botany for higher studies. This is where an all comprehensive Telangana Intermediate I Year Biology Syllabus can be crucial and helpful.

Telangana Intermediate First Year Syllabus for Biology

The Telangana Intermediate I Year Botany and Zoology Syllabus is given in the table below.

A detailed and effective Biology Syllabus for Intermediate First Year of Telangana Board will take the students through the basic concepts covered under Class 11 Biology, which includes wide-ranging topics like the diversity in the living world, structural Organisation in plants and reproduction in plants or cell structure for Botany as well as the topics covered by Zoology consist of structural organisation of Animals or Ecology and Environment and so on.

To know more about the Telangana Intermediate I Year Biology and get study resources and material related to it, keep visiting CoolGyan’S.