Class 12 Physics Revision Notes for Chapter 8 – Electromagnetic Waves – Free PDF Download
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CBSE Class 12 Physics Revision Notes Chapter 8 Electromagnetic Waves
- Displacement Current: It is due to time-varying electric field –
Displacement current acts as a source of magnetic field in exactly the same way as conduction current. - Maxwell’s equations:
- Gauss law of electrostatics-
- Gauss law of magnetism-
- Faraday’s law of eletromagnetic induction-
- Modified form of Ampere’s circuital law-
- Electromagnetic Waves: These waves propagates through spaceas coupled electric and magnetic fields, oscillating perpendicular to each other and to the direction of propagation of the wave.
- Electromagnetic waves are produced only by charges that are accelerating, since acceleration is absolute, and not a relative phenomenon.
- An electric charge oscillating harmonically with frequency
, produces electromagnetic waves of the same frequency
- An electric dipole is a basic source of electromagnetic waves.
- Electromagnetic waves with wavelength of the order of a few metres were first produced and detected in the laboratory by Hertz in 1887. He thus verified a basic prediction of Maxwell’s equations.
- Electromagnetic waves are transverse in nature.
- They do not require any material medium for their propagation.
- Oscillation of Electric and Magnetic Fields: These oscillate sinusoidally in space and time in an electromagnetic wave. The oscillating electric and magnetic fields, E and B are perpendicular to each other and to the direction of propagation of the electromagnetic wave.
- For a wave of frequency
, wavelength
, propagating along z-direction
- Relation between
: The speed c of electromagnetic wave in vacuum is related to
(the free space permeability and permittivity constants) as
- The value of c equals the speed of light obtained from optical measurements. Light is an electromagnetic wave; c is, therefore, also the speed of light. Electromagnetic waves other than light also have the same velocity c in free space.
- Speed of Light: The speed of light, or of electromagnetic waves in a material medium is
is the permeability of the medium and
its permittivity.
- Electromagnetic waves carry energy as they travel through space and this energy is shared equally by the electric and magnetic fields.
- Energy Per Unit Volume: If in a region of space in which there exist electric and magnetic fields
, there exists Energy Density (Energy per unit volume) associated with these fields is,
where we are assuming that the concerned space consists of vacuum only.
- Electromagnetic waves transport momentum as well. When these waves strike a surface, a pressure is exerted on the surface.
- If total energy transferred to a surface in time t is U, total momentum delivered to this surface is p = U/c.
- Electromagnetic Spectrum: The orderly distribution of the electromagnetic waves in accordance with their wavelength or frequency into distinct groups having widely differing properties is called electromagnetic spectrum.
- The classification has more to do with the way these waves are produced and detected.
- Different Regions of Spectrum: Different regions are known by different names;
-rays, X-rays, ultraviolet rays, visible rays, infrared rays, microwaves and radio waves in order of increasing wavelength from
(a) Radio Waves:
- These are produced by accelerated motion of charges in wires.
- These are used in radio and television communication systems.
- These are generally in the frequency range from 500 kHz to about 1000 MHz or wavelength range 600 m to 0.1 m.
(b) Microwaves:
- These are short wavelength radio waves with frequency range 109 Hz to 1012 Hz or wavelength range 0.3 m to 10-3 m.
- Due to their short wavelengths, they are suitable for radar systems used in aircraft navigation.
- Microwave ovens use them for cooking.
(c) Infrared Waves:
- Frequency range
or wavelength range
- These are produced by hot bodies and molecules.
- They lie in the low frequency or long wavelength end of the visible spectrum.
(d) Visible Light:
- The spectrum frequency runs from about 4 x
to about 7 x
or wavelength range
- Our eyes are sensitive to this range of wavelengths.
(e) Ultraviolet light:
- It covers frequency range from
or wavelengths range from
- The sun is an important source of UV rays.
(f) X-rays:
- It covers frequency range from
or wavelengths range from
- It is used in medical diagnosis.
(g) Gamma Rays:
- These lie in the upper frequency range
of the spectrum, and have wavelengths in the range
- It is used in manufacture of polyethylene from ethylene.
Various layers of earth’s atmosphere: