NCERT Solutions For Class 9 English Moments Chapter 3 Iswaran the Storyteller

English is an important subject in the curriculum of CBSE Class 9. Any professional field in today’s world expects the person to have a good knowledge of English. It also acts as a common medium to connect and talk to people from different states and even countries. There are several important and beautiful pieces of literature that are to be read and explored in NCERT Class 9 English. 

CBSE Class 9 is a crucial year for students and is like a demo version of what Class 10 would look like. It makes a significant transition from the middle school way of learning to an in-depth learning technique. 

Class 9 English requires students to commit to everyday practice. A lot depends on the regularity of practice as well as knowing how to study. In today’s competitive world, we need to learn the art of smart work and not just hard work. A systematic approach will make covering the CBSE Class 9 English syllabus easier.

NCERT has made English a mandatory part of the curriculum right from the beginning so that students can grasp and understand the language. NCERT Class 9 English has two textbooks as a part of the curriculum: Beehive and Moments. 

‘Beehive’ consists of 11 chapters and 10 poems, while ‘Moments’ consists of 10 chapters. ‘Iswaran The Storyteller’ is Chapter 3 from ‘Moments’.

NCERT Solutions English - Iswaran The Storyteller will give you a vivid description of the CBSE Class 9 English Syllabus. These solutions will widely help during the exams preparation. These solutions contain essential question answers and solvable questions that may come in the examination. These solved questions of  Class 9 English Moments Chapter 3 will make revision easier for students before the exams. Class 9 English Moments Chapter 3 is an easy and scoring chapter. 

While preparing for the exams, if you follow these solved questions, it will clear all doubts. These solutions will help understand the Class 9 English Moments Chapter 3 both critically and logically. Subjects like Science, Maths, English will become easy to study if you have access to NCERT Solution for Class 9 Science, Maths solutions and solutions of other subjects. You can also download NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths to help you to revise the complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Access NCERT Solutions for English Chapter 3 – Iswaran The Storyteller

1. In What Way is Iswaran an Asset to Mahendra?

Ans: Mahendra had a good domestic assistant in Iswaran. He was a fantastic performer for his master, in addition to cooking and completing home chores. He was good at resource management because he could seemingly gather vegetables out of nowhere and never complained while accompanying his master.

2. How Does Iswaran Describe the Uprooted Tree on the Highway? What Effect Does He Want To Create in His Listeners?

Ans: With raised eyebrows and outstretched palms, Iswaran recounts the uprooted tree on the highway in a dramatic manner. He'd start by claiming that the road was desolate and that he was alone. Suddenly, he noticed what appeared to be a large bushy beast sprawled over the road. He was on the verge of turning around and returning. But when he got closer, he realized it was a fallen tree with dried limbs strewn across the ground. Suspense and a surprise finish to every minor incident he tells his readers is the impression he aims to achieve.

3. How Does He Narrate the Story of the Tusker? Does It Appear To Be Plausible?

Ans: He began the elephant story with a prologue in which he described elephants as "large well-fed creatures." After escaping from the wood yard, the elephant began exploring the area, stamping on bushes and tearing up wild creepers, according to him. It then proceeded to the town's main route, destroying all of the fruit, mud pot, and clothing stalls. It then proceeded to a schoolyard where youngsters were having fun. It uprooted the plants, took out the football goalpost, tore down the volleyball net, flattened the water drum, and tore down the volleyball net. 

Teachers and children were so terrified that they ascended to the school's rooftop patio. He was in the junior class at the time, according to Iswaran. He snatched a cane from one of the teachers' hands and dashed into the open. The elephant grunted and stamped its feet again. It appeared to be terrifying. He did, however, approach it slowly. He stepped forward and struck the elephant's third toenail just as it was about to surge towards him. It appeared stunned before collapsing. This story appears to be implausible.

4. Why Does the Author Say That Iswaran Seemed to More Than Makeup for the Absence of a TV in Mahendra’s Living Quarters?

Ans: Iswaran was a fantastic companion for Mahendra, according to the author. When he got home from work at night, he would talk to Mahendra. Iswaran would often tell Mahendra stories to keep him entertained. As a result, Mahendra was never bored when Iswaran was around, and he never felt the need to watch TV for enjoyment.

5. Mahendra Calls Ghosts or Spirits a Figment of the Imagination. What Happens to Him on a Full-Moon Night?

Ans: As Iswaran had been informed by Mahendra that they were living in a burial place and constantly narrating his stories of numerous ghosts he had encountered, Mahendra dismisses ghosts or spirits as a fiction of his imagination.

Mahendra was awoken from his slumber by a quiet moan near his window on a full moon night. He initially assumed it was a cat on the lookout for mice. However, the sound was far too loud and guttural for a cat to handle. He resisted looking outside because he didn't want to see something that would make his heart stop. The crying, on the other hand, became louder and less covert. He was no longer able to resist the urge. He sank to the level of the ledge and gazed out at the moonlit white sheet outside. There was a dark hazy figure clutching a bundle not far away. He burst out in a cold sweat and knelt on his pillow, panting.

6. Can You Think of Some Other Ending for the Story?

Ans: I think the story could have finished on a happier note. Instead of retiring from his job, Mahendra could have been shown as a true hero, demonstrating the ghost notion to be false. Another option for a conclusion is for both Mahendra and Iswaran to leave the location together, thereby continuing their friendship established earlier in the novel. Mahendra has been told that Iswaran is a man for all seasons.

Short Description About the Story

Iswaran the Storyteller is written by Rasipuram Krishnaswami Iyer Laxman. This story is about Mahendra, a junior supervisor in a firm, and Iswaran, his cook. Now and then, Mahendra has to visit many places as ordered by the head office. Iswaran is loyal to his master, a good caretaker, and a wonderful storyteller. Mahendra has an active job moving from the coal mining area to the railway bridge construction site. Iswaran follows Mahendra wherever he goes. This story surrounds Mahendra telling stories about his cook Iswaran to Ganesh. Iswaran was a person who could weave endless stories.

Iswaran was Mahendra’s cook who had an active imagination. He used to bring vegetables and cook for Mahendra. During the day, when Mahendra was at work, Iswaran used to read Tamil thrillers. This habit eventually made him a very good storyteller. He frequently narrated these stories to Mahendra in the evenings. Mahendra also enjoyed these stories a lot. 

One of the stories that Iswara had told him was about the tale of an elephant gone rogue. There were many elephants in his place, which were all used for transporting heavy logs of wood. These elephants were maintained by their mahouts. One day, one of these elephants went wild and behaved madly. The wrath of the elephant was scary and menacing. When the elephant came very close to Iswaran to land a blow on him, he struck its third toenail, and this instantly tamed the elephant.

Another story that Iswaran had told Mahendra was about a ghost. This story was narrated especially on a day where the ancestors were worshipped. Iswaran told him that he had seen ghosts multiple times as he previously stayed at a burial ground. He told about a particular ghost which was of a woman. The ghost had appeared at night and had an infant in her arms. She also made a shrill moaning noise. 

Mahendra was scared, but he told Iswaran that ghosts did not exist. Despite this, Mahendra was uneasy when he went to bed. One night, Mahendra could hear a low moan from his window. As he looked out, he noticed a cloudy shape-holding something. This instantly made Mahendra sweat, and he fell onto his pillow. The next day, Iswaran also spoke of the same sound, and this scared Mahendra immensely. He took the harsh decision of leaving the place immediately. 

Importance of NCERT Solution Class 9 English Moments Chapter 3

  • NCERT helps to prepare for exams without any worries. It will make students work much more manageably to revise the chapter.

  • With NCERT's NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Moments Chapter 3 help, a student can learn wisely and work hard.

  • Make a routine and allot time for different subjects. Routine makes learning fun and values time.

  • A key to good scores is to revise the previous year's question paper from the NCERT Solution.

  • NCERT Class 9 English Moments Chapter 3 has been portrayed in a much simpler manner. 

  • All the short answer type questions and Solved examples are provided for the student's guide.

Solved Examples

1. Why was Iswaran an Asset to Mahendra?

Ans: Iswaran is loyal to his master, a good caretaker, and a wonderful storyteller. He accompanied his master to his workplace. Iswaran was also an expert at cooking and doing household chores and a great entertainer. He was good at managing resources in times of emergency.

2. Can you suggest a better ending for the story?

Ans: The story could have a cheerful ending. Mahendra resigned from his job, which proves cowardness. The conclusion could show Mahendra to be a courageous person to verify the ghost theory wrong.

The story could also end by keeping the bond between Iswran and Mahendra. They both could have left that place together. Since the beginning, we have witnessed that Iswaran was so loyal and generous to Mahendra, his master, that it was impossible to break their bond.

3. How Iswaran described the fallen tree on the road? What impact did he try to create in the listeners?

Ans: Iswaran described the fallen tree on the highway with arched eyebrows and hands, explaining the situation. He said that he was lonely on the deserted road. He suddenly noticed a giant bushy wild creature lying across the street. He had a mind to return, but he discovered an enormous tree when he came closer. The tree was lying on the road with its dry branches spread outwards. Iswaran wanted to create thrill and suspense in the mind of the listeners. He had this habit of saying a story in such a creative manner that will attract the listener's attention.

For more detailed answers to all the questions from the textbook, refer to CoolGyan’s Solutions for Class 9 English. You can also download them for offline use by clicking on the Download PDF option on the top left corner of the page.  All the best!

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. According to Mahendra, Ghosts or Spirits are a Figment of the Mind. What Happens to him on the Night of the Full Moon?

Ans: Mahendra believed that ghosts or spirits are a figment of the imagination because Iswaran informed him that they lived on a burial site. Iswararn was always excited to portray the ghost stories to Mahendra that he had encountered.

Mahendra woke up by a low sound close to his window on a full moon night. Firstly he thought it was a cat stalking mice. But the sound was very intense and guttural for a cat. He did not look outside because he did not want to witness any scary thing. But the low crying sound became louder, and Mahendra was unable to hold his curiosity in mind.

Lowering down by the window sill, he looked outside. Outside the window not too far, was dark cloudy form clutching a bundle. Mahendra fell on the pillow, covered with sweat and panting by the scene.

2. How does Iswaran Narrate the Tasker Story? Does it Appear to be Plausible?

Ans: Iswaran started the story by declaring the elephants “huge well-fed beasts." He said that after the elephant escaped from the timber yard, the elephant began to roam about, stamp wild bushes, and tore up wild creepers. It then reached the main road and destroyed all the fruit stalls, mud pots, and clothes by the roadside. It then forced through the school ground where children were playing. It broke the football post, toured the volleyball net, smashed the drums kept for water, and deplaned the shrubs. All the terrified teachers and students went up the rooftop for their safety. Iswaran was studying in junior class at that time. He took the cane from the teachers' hand and ran out in the open. The angry elephant was stamping and was still. Uncontrolled and wild. It was hard to face that furious elephant, but Iswaran slowly stepped ahead. The moment the elephant was about to attack Iswaran, he whacked his third toenail. The elephant appeared stunned, and it collapsed immediately. This incident does not appear to be true.