NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter - 11 Raheem Ke Dohe

Everything is online these days - online classes, online examination, online study material, online doubt solving, and online learning. Sometimes students feel tough to learn languages online or they do not have good online teaching portals that make it tougher to understand language. This often happens mainly with English medium students who are not friendly with Hindi subjects and find it hard to understand different Hindi concepts, so they find it tough to understand language-based subjects that result in unclear aspects and lead to low scores in Hindi CBSE examinations. 

Students do not need to worry about their poor score in the Hindi examination or they should not worry about their unclear concepts in Hindi that are difficult to understand. As CoolGyan is always present for every student’s help, you should trust CoolGyan and go through the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 11 Raheem ke Dohe, that are posted on CoolGyan online platform in the PDF format with revised syllabus and sample questions that will help in preparing for examinations. Read the CoolGyan’s chapter explanation of Class 7th Hindi Vasant Chapter 11 for a better understanding of concepts and to properly understand the meaning of Class 7 Hindi Chapter 11 Raheem ke Dohe.

You can also download NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Maths and NCERT Solution for Class 7 Science to help you to revise complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 11 – रहीम के दोहे

दोहे से

(1.) पाठ में दिए गए दोहों की कुछ पंक्तियाँ कथन है और कुछ पंक्तियाँ कथन को स्पष्ट करने वाली उदाहरण। इन दोनों प्रकार की पंक्तियों को पहचान कर अलग-अलग लिखिए।

उत्तर: कथन वाले दोहे

(1) जाल परे जल जात बहि, तजि मीनन को मोह।

रहिमन मछरी नीर को, तऊन छाँड़ति छोह||

(2) कहि रहीम संपति सगे, बनत बहुत बहु रीत।

बिपति कसौटी जे कसे, तेई साँचे मीत||

उदाहरण वाले दोहे

(i) थोथे बादर क्वार के, ज्यों रहीम घहरात।

धनी पुरूष निर्धन भए, करें पाछिली बात|| 

(ii) धरती की-सी रीत है, सीत घाम औ मेह।

जैसी परे सो सहि रहे, त्यों रहीम यह देह||

(2.) रहीम ने क्वार के मास में गरजने वाले बादलों की तुलना ऐसे निर्धन व्यक्तियों से क्यों की है, जो पहले कभी धनी थे और अब बीती बातों को बताकर दूसरों को प्रभावित करना चाहते हैं? दोहे के आधार पर आप सावन के बरसने और गरजने वाले बादलों के विषय में क्या कहना चाहेंगे?

उत्तर: आश्विन(क्वार) के महीने में आसमान में जो बादल रहते हैं वें जितना गरजते हैं, उतना बरसते नही है। कवि द्वारा इन पंक्तियों में उन व्यक्तियों की तुलना गरजते हुये बादलों से की गई है जो पहले धनी थे किन्तु आज वो निर्धन हैं परंतु फिर भी आज वें अपने मुख से घमंड युक्त पुरानी बातें करते हैं।

दोहों से आगे

(1.) नीचे दिए गए दोहों में बताई गई सच्चाइयों को यदि हम अपने जीवन में उतार लें तो उनके क्या लाभ होंगे? सोचिए और लिखिए। 

(क) तरुवर फल....सचहिं सुजान।। 

(ख) धरती की-सी. ..यह देह।।


(क) इस दोहें के द्वारा रहीम कहना चाहते है कि जैसे सरोवर अपना पानी नही पीता है और वृक्ष अपना फल नहीं खाता है, उसी तरह सज्जन व्यक्ति द्वारा एकत्रित किया गया धन अपने लाभ के लिए नही बल्कि  दुसरो के भलाई के लिए खर्च होता है। 

(ख) इस दोहे से रहीम हमें धरती के जैसे सहनशील होने के उपदेश दे रहे है। कवि कहते हैं कि अगर हम सच को स्वीकार कर लें ,तो हम जीवन की सुख - दुख की स्तिथि में एक समान व्यवहार कर पाएंगे।

भाषा की बात 

(1.) निम्नलिखित शब्दों के प्रचलित हिंदी रूप लिखिए

(जैसे-परे-पड़े रे, ड़े) 

बिपति - बादर 

मछरी - सीत


बिपति -  विपत्ति 

बादर -   बादल 

मछरी -  मछली

सीत-       शीत

(2.) नीचे दिए उदाहरण पढ़िए। 

(क) बनत बहुत बहु रीत। 

(ख) जाल परे जल जात बहि। 

उपर्युक्त उदाहरणों की पहली पंक्ति में 'ब' का प्रयोग कई बार किया गया है और दूसरी में 'ज' का प्रयोग। इस प्रकार बार-बार एक ध्वनि के आने से भाषा की सुंदरता बढ़ जाती है। वाक्य रचना की इस विशेषता के अन्य उदाहरण खोजकर लिखिए।


(1) चंदू के चाचू ने चांदी के चम्मच से चंदू को खिलाया ।(यहाँ 'च' शब्द का इस्तेमाल बार-बार किया गया है) 

(2) मुदित महिपति मंदिर आए।(यहाँ 'म' शब्द का इस्तेमाल बार-बार किया गया है) 

(3) तरनि तनूजा तट तमाल तरुवर बहु छाए( यहाँ 'त' शब्द का इस्तेमाल बारबार किया गया है) 

(4) हमारे हरि हारिल की लकरी(यहाँ 'ह' शब्द का इस्तेमाल बार-बार किया गया है) 

(5) रघुपति राघव राजा राम (यहाँ र'शब्द का इस्तेमाल बार-बार किया गया है)

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 11 Raheem Ke Dohe

CBSE Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 11- Raheem Ke Dohe NCERT Solutions

CBSE Class 7 Hindi Chapter 11 Raheem ke Dohe is written by poet Rahim. He is known for his Dohe in Hindi literature. He is one of the finest poets in Indian history, he lived in an era when the Mughal emperor was Akbar. One of the creations of him is his Dohe is listed in Class 7th Hindi Vasant Chapter 11 that is Raheem ke Dohe.

In his first Doha that is listed in the chapter. Rahim describes the quality of true friends, he says that when you are a wealthy person so different types of people chase you and wish to create a bond with you but when your condition is not good and yet if people maintain the bond with you, then those people are your true friends. In his second Doha, he describes fish's love for the water, as when someone tries to catch the fish the water gets separated from wish but fish never leaves the water, and if she does that she will die.

In his third Doha, Raheem narrates about the benevolence of nature of humans, he compares humans with a tree and a sea, as a tree does not eat-up his own fruits, and a sea does not drink his water. In the same way, dan humans always help others by giving up their wealth for good deeds. In his rest of Dohe, he talks about the nature of humans and realistic things related to the world. So this was the brief explanation of NCERT Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 11 Raheem ke Dohe. To understand better and to get NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi, students are advised to visit CoolGyan’s study material that is in a PDF format with related questions, that will help students to clear their concepts and perform brilliantly during examinations.

NCERT Solutions with the Revised Syllabus for Class 7 Hindi 

NCERT solutions with the revised syllabus for Class 7 Hindi are listed on CoolGyan online platform. NCERT revised the Hindi syllabus consisting of  3 books Vasant, Mahabharat, and Durva. All NCERT Solutions for Class 7 with a detailed explanation of chapters are given on the CoolGyan platform. 

Here is the List of NCERT Chapters Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant that are Previously Provided on CoolGyan

Chapter 1

Ham Panchhee Unmukt Gagan Ke

Chapter 2

Daade Maa

Chapter 3

Himaalay Kee Betiyaan

Chapter 4


Chapter 5


Chapter 6

Rakt Aur Hamaara Shareer

Chapter 7

Paapa Haar Gae

Chapter 8

Shaam- Ek Kisaan

Chapter 9

Chidiya Ke Bachchee

Chapter 10

Apoorv Anubhav

Chapter 11

Raheem Ke Dohe

Chapter 12


Chapter 13

Ek Tinaka

Chapter 14

Khan Pan Ki Badalatee Tasveer

Chapter 15


Chapter 16

Bhor Aur Barakha

Chapter 17

Veer Kunvar Sinha

Chapter 18

Sangharsh Ke Kaaran Main Tunukamizaaj Ho Gaya Hoon: Dhanaraaj

Chapter 19 

Aashram ka Anumaanit Vyay

Chapter 20

Viplav- Gaayan

Why Should Students Choose CoolGyan for Class 7 Hindi?

Students are advised to keep CoolGyan as their priority over other online or offline platforms because CoolGyan is a well-qualified platform to score best in forthcoming examinations. CoolGyan provides NCERT solutions in all subjects for Class 7 and other classes too. CoolGyan provides NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 11 Raheem ke Dohe and related topics with masterclasses where well-trained teachers teach the determined students and prepare them to face the examinations.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Which online platform teaches students that clear their concepts regarding the topic and prepares them to score well in the examinations?

CoolGyan is the all in one platform that clear doubts, explains the concepts, provides master classes, provides sample questions, and prepares students to accomplish good grades in examination. Students are advised to go revise chapters thoroughly by using CoolGyan’s resources to understand the concepts and prepare for the examination by learning from CoolGyan’s teachers who have years of experience in teaching and guiding students to achieve better not only in the examination but in practical life also.

2. Are NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 11 would be enough to prepare and score great in the examination?

Yes, NCERT solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 11 would be enough to prepare and score great in the forthcoming examination. CoolGyan provides a proper study module for determined students that are motivated to give their best in the examination. CoolGyan provides the best resources for the NCERT revised syllabus for the year 2020-2021 Class 7 Hindi examination in PDF format for free of cost. Students are advised to visit CoolGyan’s website for the links of free PDFs and other study material. With CoolGyan study material’s help, students must be assured to achieve good marks in the examination.

3. What did Raheem describe in his third Doha in Chapter 11 of Class 7 Hindi?

Ans: Raheem compares humanity to a tree and a sea in his third Doha. A tree does not eat its fruits, and a sea does not drink its water, therefore Raheem compares humans to a tree and a sea. People, on the other hand, are constantly willing to serve others by sacrificing their wealth in exchange for good deeds. He talks about the nature of mankind and realistic things that happen in the world in the rest of Dohe. So that was a quick rundown of NCERT Chapter 11-Raheem ke Dohe for Class 7 Hindi Vasant. Students are suggested to browse CoolGyan's study material, which is in PDF format and includes related questions, to better comprehend and obtain NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi free of cost.

4. What did Raheem describe in his first Doha?

Ans: In his first chapter, he mentions when you are wealthy, different types of people chase you and want to form a link with you, but when your situation is bad and people keep the bond with you, those people are your actual friends, according to Rahim. 

5. If we apply the truths mentioned in the following couplets in our lives, what will be its benefits? Think and write.

(a) Taruvar fal ……..

……………. Save Suzanne.

(b) Earth's ………….

……. this body


(a) Through this couplet, Raheem tries to say that the tree does not eat its own fruit and the sea does not drink its own water. Similarly, you do not use your accumulated wealth for your benefit. This money is used for others. If we imbibe and introduce this truth in our lives, then the nation in which the nature of social welfare has appeared before us will surely develop beautifully.

(b) With this Raheem couple tries to say that one person should be saved. You have to be patient with the earth. Accepting the truth makes it easier to accept the joys and sorrows of life. You never get out of the way. We are happy in any situation. We have contentment.

6. What do we learn from Raheem's couplets?

Ans: We learn to bear the happiness and sorrow of our friends from the couplets of Raheem. We should have a feeling of love. We should help others just as nature always benefits us. Raheem teaches you to use your accumulated wealth for public good such as trees and lakes. In the last 22 chapters, Raheem has tried to teach us to give pleasure and happiness to the earth and life. For more questions and explanations visit CoolGyan's official website or app where you will get all the material for your examination.

7. Are NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 11 enough to prepare and score good marks in the examination?

Ans: Yes, the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 11 would be sufficient to study for and pass the upcoming exam. CoolGyan offers a comprehensive study program for students who are committed to do their best in the examination. In PDF format, CoolGyan gives the best materials for the NCERT revised curriculum for the year 2021-2022 Class 7 Hindi test. Students should go to CoolGyan's website to find connections to free PDFs and other study resources. Students can be confident that with the help of CoolGyan study materials, they will obtain good results in the examination.