NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Chapter 4 The Cop and the Anthem

Given here are the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Chapter 4 The Cop and the Anthem, with all the questions of the English supplementary reader The Alien Hand. The NCERT Solutions for Class 7 are designed meticulously by our subject-matter experts, keeping in mind the standards set forth by the CBSE board.

The chapter “The Cop and the Anthem” is a blend of humour, tragedy and motivation. Would one ever want to be in jail? If yes, what could be the possible reasons? A poor guy, Soapy, wishes his winters to be spent in jail so that he would have food, shelter and warmth. Much better than what he would have otherwise! Will he be able to make it to jail? Read the story and find out.

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NCERT Solutions Class 7 English – Chapter 4

The Cop and the Anthem


Question 1. What are some of the signs of approaching winter referred to in the text?

Answer: Birds begin to fly south. People want new warm coats. Dead leaves fall on the ground. These were some of the signs of approaching winter referred to in the text.

Question 2. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ against each of the following.

(i) Soapy did not want to go to prison. _____

(ii) Soapy had been to prison several times. _____

(iii) It was not possible for Soapy to survive in the city through the winter. _____

(iv) Soapy hated to answer questions of a personal nature. _____


(i) False

(ii) True

(iii) False

(iv) True

Question 3. What was Soapy’s first plan? Why did it not work?

Answer: Soapy’s first plan was to eat at an expensive restaurant and tell that he did not have money to pay for that. They would call the cops and the cops would take him to jail.

The plan did not work because the he was stopped at the door of the restaurant by the head waiter. He turned Soapy around and made him leave the place quickly and quietly.

Question 4. “But the cop’s mind would not consider Soapy”. What did the cop not consider, and why?

Answer: Cop did not consider Soapy as the person who threw the stone at the window glass because no criminal would stand after doing so and talk to the cop.

Question 5. “We have orders to let them shout”. What is the policeman referring to?

Answer: The policeman was referring to the orders for not arresting the shouting college students.

Question 6. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ against each of the following.

(i) Soapy stole a man’s umbrella. _____

(ii) The owner of the umbrella offered to give it to Soapy. _____

(iii) The man had stolen the umbrella that was now Soapy’s. _____

(iv) Soapy threw away the umbrella. _____


Answer: (i) True

(ii) True

(iii) True

(iv) True

Question 7. “There was a sudden and wonderful change in his soul”. What brought about the change in Soapy?

Answer: Soapy stood in front of the house where he had spent his childhood. He was reminded of his mother, the sweet music he used to enjoy in his room and the decent life he used to have back then. He decided that he would work and become somebody in life.

Discuss the following topics in groups.

Question 1. Suppose no cop came at the end. What would Soapy’s life be like through the winter?

Answer: Soapy’s life would have been very difficult in the winter. He did not have a house and food. He would have had a bad winter. However, if he would be determined to work and lead a decent life once again, he could have achieved it gradually.

Question 2. Retell an episode in the story which is a good example of irony in a situation.

Answer: When Soapy felt that winter was approaching, he decided that he would spend the next three months in jail. For that, he decided that he would have to do some small crime. But even after trying multiple times, he was not caught by the cops.

When he decided to work and lead a decent life, he was arrested by a cop. This is a good example of irony in a situation.