NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 20

NCERT Solution for Class 5 EVS Chapter 20 is prepared by proficient and expert professionals of the subject. They perform excessive research and study to provide students with structured and organized solutions. The chapters of the NCERT textbook EVS Class 5 have an important role to play. Therefore, if the concepts of Environmental Studies get cleared at this stage, it would make the subject easier in future classes. Learning from NCERT Solutions gives the student a habit of studying in the appropriate and organized possible way of learning. Download NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 20 free PDF.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 20 Whose Forests

It becomes so tiresome to study the entire chapter from the textbooks again and again. Also, during the time of examination, it becomes difficult to cover the entire syllabus in a go. At such times, NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 20 Whose Forests work wonders. You can revise the entire chapter in less than a few minutes. Also, these solutions are available in a free downloadable PDF format and can be accessed even when there is no internet.

Class 5 EVS Chapter 20 Whose Forests Introduction

The building up, survival and functioning of forests is discussed in NCERT Solutions Class 5 EVS Whose Forests. This includes discussing how the forests are created, the different kinds of species of animals and birds that reside in the forest, etc. It also includes the various kinds of plants and trees that grow in the forest and the way other living beings get benefitted from it. This chapter discusses the dependency of human beings or to be very precise the tribes that dwell in these forests on the sustainability of forests.

CBSE Class 5 EVS Chapter 20 Solutions enlighten students about the forest and various types of lifestyles in different kinds of forests. The different kinds of products having commercial as well as medicinal value available from the forest are also discussed. To be concise, Ch 20 Class 5 EVS is all about the concept of forest and life in and around the forest.

Class 5 EVS Chapter 20 Whose Forests are divided into various sections. After the completion of each section, there are small exercise questions based on that particular section.

Exercises Covered in Class 5 EVS Chapter 20 - Whose Forests

  • Discuss

There are two short answer questions in this section of Class 5 Chapter 20 Solution. Both the questions require the answer to the concept of the forest.

  • Find Out and Write

There are three questions in this part of Class 5 EVS Chapter 20. All three questions are based on the chapter and can also be answered through the application of common observation. The questions are to be answered in brief.

  • Think and Write

In this part of Whose Forests Class 5 NCERT Solutions, there are three questions. The answers to these questions are in descriptive form. The first two questions are based on the chapter, while the third question is a situation based question which students are expected to answer with the use of their creativity and imagination.

  • Discuss

There are two questions provided for discussion in this section:

  • The first question can be answered with the use of text from the chapter.

  • The second question is open for discussion. Here, students are provided with a general situation and are asked to discuss and put forward their opinion on the same.

  • Think and Write

This is again the exercise after the third section of the chapter. There are four questions of Class 5 EVS Ch 20 NCERT Solutions. These are general questions based on the life and behaviour of people in the forest and away from the forest and how they are interdependent. 

  • Think

There are four questions in this section of the chapter. All four questions are based on general concepts about the forest. These questions are asked for creating awareness among students about their responsibility towards the conservation of forests and the environment as a whole and putting efforts to keep the tradition intact in the lives of people.

  • Read and Tell

A small extract of the letter written by the student to the Chief Minister portraying the disaster of extinction of forest is provided. This is followed by two questions with regards to the issue about an increase in the cutting of the trees and the extinction of forests. These questions are generally based and are asked to bring awareness among students towards the social responsibility of environment conservation.

  • Look at the Map and Write

This is a picture writing kind of question. A map depicting the forests in India is provided in this section, and eight questions based on this map are asked. The answers to the questions are generally based and can be answered with the help of the map provided.

  • Find Out

In this part of the chapter, four questions based on the chapter are asked.

  • What have we Learnt

In this section, three questions based on the extract of the chapter are asked.

Key Features of NCERT Solutions for Class EVS Chapter 20 

NCERT Solutions are prepared for the benefit of students to clear the concepts and build a strong foundation for future classes:

  • NCERT Solutions Class 5 EVS Chapter 20 is explained profusely with appropriate examples. This helps students in revising the entire contents of the chapter at a glance.

  • NCERT Solutions are prepared systematically and designed in a format that is easily understandable by students.

  • There is a wide collection of questions and answers in NCERT Solutions which are aligned with the NCERT textbooks and CBSE pattern of studies.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1. What is Jhoom Farming?

Ans. Jhoom farming is followed in the North-Eastern states of India. This is a kind of natural self-fertilization of soil farming. This is very organic and does not harm the environment and crops in any manner.

Q2. What rights does the Right to Forest Act 2007 provide?

Ans. This act provides the people who stay in the forest for more than 25 years, a right on the lands of the forest, and cannot be removed from there. The upkeep and maintenance of the forest is their responsibility.

Q3. How do forests help the ecosystem, according to Chapter 20 of Class 5 EVS?

Ans: Forests are the impeccable systems on this planet. They purify the atmospheric air and act as free oxygen producers. Without forests, it would be impossible to generate oxygen at such an enormous level. Forests are the magnets to attract clouds and bring drizzle. They exquisitely provide us with rainfall showers which is another essential component for survival. Forests are home to the maximum biodiversity of this planet. They are filled with raw materials and herbs required for eliciting medicines and other essentials. 

Q4. How is everything interdependent in forests, according to Chapter 20 of Class 5 EVS? 

Ans: From lichens to huge trees that form the canopy of the forests, from ants to elephants, everything inside a forest is codependent on each other. Despite being home to 80% of the biodiversity, you cannot ignore that everything in forests is so beautifully aligned and synchronised. Everything runs in cycles in forests. Producers are eaten by herbivores which then are consumed by carnivores. Carnivores, after death, become a meal to scavengers, and the remnants are decomposed into the soil. This increases the fertility level of the soil, thus enhancing the growth of plants all over again. 

Q5. What is the variety of flora and fauna that resides in the forests, according to Chapter 20 of Class 5 EVS?

Ans: More than 80% of the biodiversity finds its home in the forests. Forests are home to wild animals, rare herbs, and an unbeatable range of flora. Every type of forest has something unique in it. For example, tropical forests are home to evergreen trees like bamboo and fern and reptiles like snakes. Many species of wildflowers and poisonous plants are also found in forests. Forests harbour several species of living beings within them, and many are yet to be discovered.  

Q6. How do forests help humans, according to Chapter 20 of Class 5 EVS?

Ans: It is undeniable that we are living on this planet by chopping off huge areas of forests. Thus, it would be disrespectful to say that forests do not help us in any way. They provide us with shelter, oxygen, rain, and many other infinite things crucial for survival. The great Amazon rainforests are addressed as the planet's lungs as they purify the maximum air on the planet earth. Without forests, there would be no rain to fertilise our crops and quench our thirst. 

Q7. What is the lifestyle of people living in or around forests, according to Chapter 20 of Class 5 EVS?

Ans: It is quite credible that tribes who live in forests love their trees and fauna more than anyone. Time and again, there have been incidents when these tribes protected the forests from being cut. People living in or around forests know the importance of forests and thus, live with them by following sustainable development protocols. They nurture flora and fauna in forests and only feed or take the essential things without disturbing any natural systems of the forests. The NCERT Solutions for Chapter 20 of Class 5 EVS are available free of cost on the CoolGyan website and the CoolGyan app.