NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Vitan Chapter 2 - Jujh

At CoolGyan, every chapter of Class 12 NCERT Hindi Vitan has been explained for easy learning of students. Every topic from all the chapters has been clarified, with the goal of giving the college students a crystal-clear explanation and know-how of the topic. The answers have been written by the joint effort of the best teachers of CoolGyan who recognizes the problem very well and meets the board curriculum to its fullest.

Access NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Hindi Chapter 2 - जूझ

1. ‘जूझ’ शीर्षक के औचित्य पर विचार करते हुए यह स्पष्ट करें कि क्या यह शीर्षक कथा नायक की किसी केंद्रीय चारित्रिक विशेषता को उजागर करता है? 

उत्तर: ‘जूझ’ पाठ का शीर्षक वास्तव में नायक के संघर्ष को चित्रित करता है। शीर्षक में नायक आनंद के संघर्ष की कहानी का मुख्य बिंदु है कि कैसे स्कूल तक जाने के लिए संघर्ष करता है। शीर्षक पढ़कर आपको अंदाजा हो जाता है कि कहानी किस दिशा में जाएगी। कहानी पढ़ने के बाद शीर्षक उचित लगता है। नायक गांव में रहता है। एक किसान परिवार की सोच और मान्यता इस कहानी में दर्शाई गई है। कहानी का नायक अध्ययन करना चाहता है। उनके पिता शिक्षा के महत्त्व से अनभिज्ञ हैं। पिता के अनुसार, किसान को केवल कृषि की गतिविधियों से ही आजीविका मिलती है। इसलिए, वह शिक्षा को महत्व नहीं देते हैं। शीर्षक के अनुसार कैसे नायक पाठशाला जाने के लिए संघर्ष करता है, वह बस्ता के कर ही पहले खेतों में सिंचाई करता है और पिता के शर्तानुसार पहले कृषिकार्य करता है फिर पढ़ने जाता है। वह शिक्षा में मिलने वाले अवसर का पूरा फायदा उठाता है। उसका संघर्ष जल्द ही उसे अपने लक्ष्य तक ले जाता है। कहानी का केंद्र बिंदु नायक का पढ़ाई के प्रति संघर्ष है। जहां वह पारिवारिक, सामाजिक, आर्थिक और व्यक्तिगत स्तर पर खुद के लिए लड़ता है और सफल होता दिखता है।

2. स्वयं कविता रच लेने का आत्मविश्वास लेखक के मन में कैसे पैदा हुआ? 

उत्तर: लेखक स्कूल में मराठी शिक्षक सौंदलगेकर के संपर्क में आता है। सौंदलगेकर एक अच्छे कवि और रसिक व्यक्ति थे। कविता पाठ करने के उनके तरीके ने लेखक को प्रभावित किया। लय, छंद-गति, आरोह-अवरोह का शी से ज्ञान करते थे। लेखक उनसे बहुत प्रभावित हैं। पहले तो वह तुकबन्दी करता है, लेकिन अभ्यास से वह खुद एक अच्छा कवि बन जाता है। शुरूआत में, सौंदलगेकर उसकी प्रतिभा को बेहतर बनाने में उनकी मदद करते हैं। वह नायक को उस समय के कवियों के बारे में बताते हैं। इसके कारण लेखक के मन में कवियों के प्रति शंका समाप्त हो जाती है और उनका आत्मविश्वास बढ़ जाता है। वह आस-पास के दृश्यों पर कविता रचना शुरू कर देते हैं। 

3. श्री सौंदलगेकर के अध्यापन की उन विशेषताओं के रेखांकित करें जिन्होंने कविताओं के प्रति लेखक के मन में रुचि जगाई।

उत्तर: मास्टर सौंदलगेकर एक कुशल शिक्षक, विद्वान और कवि थे। वह मराठी के बहुत बड़े ज्ञाता थे। वे सुसंगठित और सुरीले तरीके से दूसरों के द्वारा लिखी गई धुन और कविताएं गाते थे। पुरानी और नई मराठी कविताओं के अलावा, उन्हें कई अंग्रेजी कविताएं भी याद थी। वह पहले कुछ कविताएं गाते थे और फिर बैठ जाते और अभिनय के साथ कविता का भाव बताते थे। आनंद को कविता लिखने के शुरुआती चरणों में, उन्होंने उसका मार्गदर्शन किया और सुधार किया। आंनद का आत्मविश्वास बढ़ाया जिससे आंनद धीरे धीरे कविताएं लिखने में कुशल हो जय और बाद में प्रतिष्ठित कवि बन गया। 

4. कविता के प्रति लगाव के पहले और उसके बाद अकेलेपन के प्रति लेखक की धारण में क्या बदलाव आया?

उत्तर: कविता के प्रति लगाव के पहले लेखक को खेतों में काम करते समय बहुत अकेलेपन महसुस होता लेकिन कविता के प्रति लगाव के बाद, वह जब खेतों में काम करता और भैंसो को चराने के जाता तो अपनी कविताओं में खोया रहता। समय के साथ खुद से ही तुकबंदी करने लगा। अब वही अकेलापन इसे अच्छा लगने लगा। अब वह अकेले अपनी कविताओं को गाता था, अभिनय करता और नृत्य करता रहता था।

5. आपके ख्याल से पढ़ाई-लिखाई के सम्बन्ध में लेखक और दत्ता जी राव का रवैया सही था या लेखक के पिता का? तर्क सहित उत्तर दें। 

उत्तर:  इस पाठ के सन्दर्भ में हम अगर लेखक के पिता जी और दत्ता जी राव का पढ़ाई-लिखाई के सम्बन्ध में रवैया देखें तो पता चलता है कि दत्ता जी राव का रवैया लेखक के पिता जी से बेहतर था। वह पढ़ाई-लिखाई के महत्त्व को भली-भांति जानते थे इसलिए जब दत्ता जी को पता चला कि लेखक के पिता उसे पढ़ने के लिए पाठशाला नहीं जाने देते तो उन्होंने लेखक के पिता को बहुत भला-बुरा सुनाया और कहा की बेटे और पत्नी को खेतो में काम में लगा कर तू पूरा दिन क्या करता हैं, तू कल से बेटे को पढ़ने भेजेगा अगर तेरे पास फीस के पैसे नहीं है तो मैं उसकी फीस दूंगा। दत्ता जी के सामने लेखक के पिता ने ‘हां’ तो के दी पपर बाद में वे आनंद को स्कूल भेजने के पक्ष में नहीं थे। जिससे ज्ञात होता है कि पिता जी का रवैया पढ़ाई-लिखाई के प्रति ठीक नहीं था।

6. दत्ता जी राव से पिता का दबाव डलवाने के लिए लेखक और उसकी मां को एक झूठ का सहारा लेना पड़ा। यदि झूठ का सहारा न लेना पड़ता तो आगे का घटनाक्रम क्या होता? अनुमान लगाए। 

उत्तर: दत्ता जी राव से पिता पर दबाव बनाने के लिए लेखक और उसकी मां ने झूठ का सहारा लिया। उन्होंने पिता जी से कहा कि दत्ता जी ने आप को बुला कर मुझे स्कूल भेजने के लिए कहा है। पिता जी दत्ता जी का नाम सुनकर उनसे मिलने चले गए। अगर नहीं जाते और उन्हें झूठ का पता चल जाता तो वो माँ बेटे की पिटाई कर देते और इन्हें कृषि कार्य में पूरी तरह झोंक देते।

NCERT Hindi Class 12 Solutions

We, at CoolGyan, offer well-curated NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Vitan in PDF design which you can peruse for free. You should download CoolGyan's Class 12 NCERT Solution Hindi Vitan for an excellent academic record.

You can get all the Subject’s NCERT solutions given here. NCERT Solutions for all the subjects of class 12 is accessible on this page including NCERT Class 12 Solution for Hindi Vitan, and other subjects as well a free PDF record.

For preparation for class 12 board examination, students must plan their studies judiciously. NCERT Solutions on CoolGyan will help them to develop a strong understanding of the topics covered in their syllabus. The study resources like sample papers, important questions bank, reference books solution and the revision notes are available on CoolGyan and students can download these study resources for free.

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CoolGyan is India's one of the most cherished and beloved education apps. We offer a complete, and comprehensive range of goods or services at one location for the preparation of NCERT Class 12 Hindi examinations.

CoolGyan provides the weapons to systematic student preparation of board examinations as chapter-wise NCERT- Solutions, online classes, live sessions, chapter notes etc. These all substantiation are prepared and compiled by our subject masters who are experienced and have a thorough knowledge of the subject. CoolGyan is a single platform that has everything.

All the doubts of students are clarified at CoolGyan by live one-on-one sessions with most experienced teachers.

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi (Core and Elective)

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi (Core and Elective) consists of four Hindi books prescribed for class 12 CBSE students.

The latest syllabus for class 12 Hindi Core is divided into two sections. Section A consists of the questions from two books, i.e. Aroh 2 and Vitan 2, while section B consists of the questions from the book Aroh 2.

These books for Hindi Core named as Aroh 2 comprises eighteen chapters, and Vitan 2 includes four chapters, and for Hindi Elective Antra 2 contains four chapters, Antral 2 consists of 4 chapters.

NCERT Hindi Vitan 2 Textbook for Class 12

The third book for the class 12 NCERT Hindi is Vitan. This book consists of prose. Hindi Vitan Class 12 book includes four chapters, as follows:

At CoolGyan site PDF is available for downloading all chapters detail free of cost Chapter 1(Silver Wedding, written by Manohar Shyam Joshi), in which the story explains the various opinion conflicts which arise due to the generation gap in the family between Yashodhar Babu and his sons. In chapter 3 (Ateet Mein Dabe Paav, written by Om Thanvi) The author explained about the ancient civilization of Mohenjodaro and revealed his opinion on their culture, habitat etc. In chapter 4 (Diary Ke Panne, written by Anne Frank) This story is an excerpt taken from 'The Diary of a Young Girl'.

Chapter 2: Joojh, written by Dr Anand Yadav

This story tells us about the author's interest in studying while his father wants him to help in his farming instead of going to school from their village.

The author's father has stopped his son from going to school. His father used to roam the village all day and also used to go to Rakhama Bai's cell. Not working himself, he had put the writer in farming. The writer (his son) wanted to study. He felt that there was no benefit from farming, but by studying, he can get a job or do some business.

One day the writer expressed his desire to go to school with his mother. Mother also wanted the same, But due to the anger of the father, she was also silent. The writer suggested she meet and if he could explain to the father, then the matter could be resolved. They frightened the author's father and explained that send the son to the school, if you are unable to send him to the school, then you will send Ananda to the school itself. Datta Rao Saheb Paved the way to go again.

Finally, the author went to school, and his Master started calling him Ananda.

There are a total of six questions with their answers available at the end of Chapter 2 at CoolGyan.

All chapter wise questions with their answers are available as NCERT Solutions class 12 Hindi Vitan Chapter 1-4 at CoolGyan free of cost.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How Many Books do the NCERT Class 12 Hindi Contain?

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Hindi consists of four Hindi books prescribed by CBSE for class 12 students. These books are Aroh 2, Vitan 2, Antra and Antral 2 according to the latest CBSE pattern.

2. What is There in NCERT Book Vitan Chapter 2 Joojh for Class 12?

Chapter 2: Joojh, written by Dr Anand Yadav, tells us about the author's interest in studying while his father wants him to help in his farming instead of going to school from their village, with the help of his mother and Datta Rao Saheb, he finally goes to school.

There are a total of six questions with their answers given at the end of the chapter and available at CoolGyan.

3. Which NCERT Class 12 Hindi Book is Composed of only Prose?

NCERT solutions class 12 Hindi book Vitan 2 consists of four chapters all contain prose, and Aroh 2 consists of  8 chapters which have prose out of total 18 chapters. 10 Chapters from the Aroh book include poems.

4. Is it enough to study only through  NCERT Solutions for Chapter 2 Jujh of Class 12 Hindi Vitan Part 2 resources to clear the CBSE board exams or competitive exams?

NCERT textbooks are the best study resources for students preparing for CBSE board examinations. CoolGyan helps students in board exam preparation by providing chapter-wise solutions free of cost. Students need to plan their study strategy carefully by learning the NCERT text thoroughly. Along with that, NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi by CoolGyan helps students develop a strong understanding of the concepts which will help students score well in their board exams.

5. What is the method to get  Class 12 NCERT Solutions of Hindi Vitan for all Chapters?

To download the solutions for all chapters of Class 12 NCERT follow the steps below-

  • Go to CoolGyan and click your choice of subject and chapter.

  • On clicking the link exercise questions will be displayed for all chapters.

  • Click on the exercise for which you want solutions.

  • The solutions will be displayed on the next page. Click on ‘Download PDF’ to save for offline viewing.

CoolGyan offers free, detailed, and clear explanations for all NCERT exercise questions through their solutions that help students understand the chapters clearly.

6. What is the concept of  Chapter 2 Jujh of Class 12 Hindi Vitan Part 2?

The concept of the chapter  “Jujh” means battling. This is a struggle of a hero for going to school, for knowledge and education. Being born and brought up in a family of a farmer,  education is not considered important. His father being a farmer thinks a farmer's life and the family can be survived only through agricultural activities. This story is about the battle for education against his father.  The author has portrayed how the hero wants to study at any cost and his struggle and the focus for education and not giving up on his dreams gives him success. Everyone has to learn that we should be focused on our goals and never give up on our dreams.

7. What is the reason for the author’s confidence in Chapter 2 Jujh of Class 12 Hindi Vitan Part 2?

The author gets connected with the Marathi teacher  Shri Soundalgekar in the school. Shri Soundalgekar was a very good poet and the way he recited the poem and the verses were very impressive. The author at first does tukbandi but then gradually he became a good poet. Shri Soundalgekar clears the doubts in the author’s mind which he had about the poet and boosts his confidence level. The author then starts composing his poems.

8. Describe the characteristics of Shri Soudalgekar?

Shri Soundalgekar was a great scholar and a poet. He had a melodious voice and he used to sing poems written by other poets. Apart from the Marathi poems he also used to remember English poems. First, he used to sing the poems and then act with the concept of the poetry.  He was a great guide to the author and taught him the significance of poetry.  The main reason for the author’s confidence is Shri Soundalgekar.