NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Hindi Antra Chapter 17 Poem - Badal Ko Ghirte Dekha Hai

If you have been thinking of skipping on any of the study material, go ahead but you have to be thorough with the syllabus and exercises of NCERT in all of the subjects. Thankfully, CoolGyan has the solutions for your NCERT problems and students of all grades. Be it a subject as tricky as Mathematics or as simple as Hindi, they have it all. The information provided by CoolGyan will not only help you understand the content better but it also has solutions to all the exercises given in your NCERT textbook. NCERT solutions to Ch 17 Hindi poem Antra Class 11 are also provided at CoolGyan.

Access NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Hindi Chapter 17 काव्य - बादल को घिरते देखा है (नागार्जुन )


11:17:1:  प्रश्न - अभ्यास:1

1. इस कविता में बादलों के सौंदर्य चित्रण के अतिरिक्त और किन दृश्यों का चित्रण किया गया हैं?

उत्तर- इस कविता में निम्नलिखित दृश्यों का चित्रण है:

(क) ओस की बूंदो को कमलों पर गिरने के दृश्य का चित्रण किया गया है।

(ख) हिमालय में विद्यमान झीलों पर हंसों के तैरने के दृश्य का चित्रण किया गया है।

(ग) वसंत ऋतु के सुंदर सुबह के दृश्य का चित्रण किया गया है।

(घ) चकवा -चकवी का सुबह मिलने के दृश्य का चित्रण किया गया है।

(ड) कस्तूरी हिरण के भागने के दृश्य का चित्रण किया गया है।

(च) किन्नर तथा किन्नरियों के दृश्य का चित्रण किया गया है।

11:17:1:  प्रश्न - अभ्यास: 2

2. प्रणय - कहल से कवि का क्या तात्पर्य हैं ?

उत्तर- प्रणय - कहल से कवि का तात्पर्य प्रेम रूपी झगड़ों से हैं। इस झगड़े में कड़वाहट की जगह केवल प्रेम उपस्थित है। यह केवल दो प्यार करने वाले जोड़ों के बीच में प्यार की लड़ाई है। कवि चकवा-चकवी के बीच इस प्रेम विवाद को दिखाते हैं।

11:17:1:  प्रश्न - अभ्यास: 3

3. कस्तूरी मृग के अपने पर ही चिढ़ने के क्या कारण है?

उत्तर- कस्तूरी मृग अपने पूरे जीवन में केवल कस्तूरी गंध की खोज में रहता है। उसे इस बात का ज्ञान नहीं है की कस्तूरी उसकी नाभि में हैं। जब वह उसे खोजते खोजते थक जाता है, तो वह चिढ़ने लगता है। वह अपनी असमर्थता की वजह से परेशान हो जाता हैं।

11:17:1:  प्रश्न - अभ्यास: 4

4. बादलों का वर्णन करते हुए कवि को कालिदास की याद क्यों आती है?

उत्तर- कालिदास एक ऐसे कवि है जिन्होंने बादल को अपने रचना ‘मेघदूत’ में एक दूत के रूप में दर्शाया था। धनपति कुबेर के द्वारा एक यक्ष को भगा दिया गया था। उस यक्ष ने मेघ को अपना दूत बनाकर अपने अपने प्रिय को संदेश भेजा। कालिदास ने जिन स्थानों का वर्णन किया था, उन्हें खोजने के लिए कवि ने बहुत प्रयास किया। परंतु कवि उन स्थानों को नहीं खोज पाया। इसलिए कवि जब भी बादलों का वर्णन करता है तो उसे कालिदास की याद आ जाती है।

11:17:1:  प्रश्न - अभ्यास: 5

5. कवि ने ‘महामेघ को इंझानिल से गरज - गरज भिड़ते देखा है’ क्यों कहा है?

उत्तर- पर्वतीय इलाक़ों में कैलाश के शिखर पर, कवि में बादलों के एक समूह को तूफ़ानों से लड़ते देखा है। बहुत बार बादलों के समूह तेज़ हवाओं के साथ टकराते है। जिस वजह से आसमान में बहुत भयंकर गर्जना होने लगती है। उन्हें देखकर प्रतीत होता है की वे लड़ते है। इसलिए कवि ने कहा है कि महामेघ को इंझानिल से गरज - गरज भिड़ते देखा है।

11:17:1:  प्रश्न - अभ्यास: 6

6. ‘बादलों को घिरते देखा है’ पंक्ति को बार-बार दोहराए जाने से कविता में क्या सौंदर्य आया है? अपने शब्दों  लिखिए।

उत्तर- इस पंक्ति का प्रयोग कवि ने टेक के रूप में किया है इसलिए इस पंक्ति का उपयोग हर अंतरा के बाद किया जाता है। इस तरह से कविता प्रभावशाली हो जाती है और उसका मूलभाव स्पष्ट हो जाता है। इसके प्रयोग के कारण काव्य सौंदर्य में भी आश्चर्यजनक बदलाव देखने को मिलता है।

11:17:2: योग्या - विस्तार: 2

7. कालिदास के ‘मेघदूत’  का संक्षिप्त परिचय प्राप्त कीजिए। 

उत्तर- मेघदूत संस्कृति के प्रसिद्ध कवि और नाटककार कालिदास द्वारा रची गयी है। जैसे की नाम से पता चलता है कि कवि ने मेघ को इस कविता में एक संदेशवाहक के रूप में प्रयोग किया है। यह एक प्रेमकथा है इसमें घनपति कुबेर ने एक वर्ष  के लिए अपने नगर अलकापूरी से एक यक्ष को निकाल दिया है। यक्ष दक्षिण दिशा में रामगिरि के आश्रम में रहने लगता है। वह किसी तरह से आठ महीने बिताता है लेकिन जब बारिश आती है तो वह अपनी पत्नी यक्षि के विरह से व्याकुल हो जाता है तथा वह अपनी पत्नी को संदेश भेजना चाहता है। वह मेघ से प्रार्थना करता है और मेघ को विभिन्न जगहों के बारे में सूचना देता है। उस सूचना से मेघ निश्चित जगह पर पहुँच सकता है।

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Hindi Antra Chapter 17 Poem - Badal Ko Ghirte Dekha Hai

If you have been thinking of skipping on any of the study material, go ahead but you have to be thorough with the syllabus and exercises of NCERT in all of the subjects. Thankfully, CoolGyan has the solutions for your NCERT problems and students of all grades. Be it a subject as tricky as Mathematics or as simple as Hindi, they have it all. The information provided by CoolGyan will not only help you understand the content better but it also has solutions to all the exercises given in your NCERT textbook. NCERT solutions to Ch 17 Hindi poem Antra Class 11 are also provided at CoolGyan. 

Antra Class 11 Chapter 17 

Ch 17 Hindi poem Antra Class 11 is a poem titled 'Badal Ko Ghirte Dekha hai'. The poet Nagarjun is admiring the beauty of nature in this work. He begins by talking about the beautifully covered Himalayan peaks. Enveloped with snow the mountains seem to captivate each one of us. These mountains to him look like small pearly beads shining brightly due to sunlight. These beads make everything look beautiful around it. even the lotus flowers look magnificent when these fall on it.

He also talks about the beauty of ponds in the Himalayan region and how their beauty multiplies when swans swim in those. The water of these ponds, Himalayan rivers are cold and calm and even the swans don’t feel like leaving the place.

Badal ko ghirte Dekha hai Class 11 Chapter 17 unfolds into describing and appreciating the beauty of spring season, a season we all love. Mornings are beautiful, with the wind blowing slowly, the sun spreading its rays and birds chirping around.

The poet then notices a pair of Chakwa and Chakvi staring at each other. The pair has been cursed to be separated at night and meet only when the sun rises. Standing beneath the peaks of Himalaya the poet notices a musk deer running around, trying to figure out the source of that musky fragrance. The deer is completely unaware of the fact that the smell is his and the poet is happy looking at it.

The poet is fond of this place and came here to find the Alka City of Lord Kuber and the Akash Ganga river mentioned by Kalidasa in one of his poems. He fails but one thing that he notices is the clouds clashing and roaring from the peaks of Kailash mountain.

In the last verse of ch 17 Hindi poem Antra Class 11 the poet talks about the people living there. The people are beautiful and well dressed at all times. Women wear gajra around their hair and men enjoy drinking alcohol. The poet is witnessing all this through his own eyes and expressing through words in this poem. 

About the Poet, Nagarjuna

Vaidyanath Mishra goes by the pen name Nagarjun and wrote several short stories, novels and poems in both Hindi and Maithili. Born in the state of Bihar his poem titled as 'Yatri'.

While he was a well-known poet for writing poems in both Hindi and Maithili, his poems have a variety of subjects and themes. In order to begin with, Badal Ko Ghirte Dekha Hai is not just about admiring nature but is more of a travelogue. Another such example is one of his poems revolving around a completely grown jackfruit. He was awarded Sahitya Akademi Award and the Sahitya Akademi Fellowship for his contribution towards Hindi literature.

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Fun Fact    

With Badal Ko Ghirte Dekha Hai being all about nature and describing its beauty, one might think it is just a poem weaved to admire our surroundings. However, that is not the case Nagarjun, the poet has been to this place in Uttarakhand and this was more of a travelogue written in form of a poem.

Did you know after Tulsidas, Nagarjun is the only poet who broke the boundaries of elite and rural people by writing poems and novels which was liked by both the classes of society.

Solved Example

Q1: What is the Musk Deer Looking For?

  1. Food to eat.

  2. He is running away from a hunter.

  3. He is running around looking for the source of the musky fragrance.

  4. He is looking for the poet.

Ans : 3. He is running around looking for the source of the musky fragrance.


CoolGyan with its expertise in formulating solutions for NCERT textbooks for students of all grades and subjects will help you in getting to know this literary work better and analyse the multiple layers of it. With the NCERT solution of Class 11 Hindi Antra Chapter 17, you will be prepared to face any of the questions in your assignments, tests and examinations. These solutions are available in easy to download pdf format from their website.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1. What imageries have been used in this poem?

Ans: The poem adopts a very dynamic message that includes the concept of wanderlust. The poet has used the imagery of Himalayan mountains being covered with white pure snow, swans swimming in the ponds of the Himalayan region, spring morning with the slow wind blowing and sun rays spreading, birds meeting in the daytime after a long night, women beautifully dressed up with gajra in their hair, men enjoying their alcohol, a musk deer running around and the lotus adorned by dew drops. These images have been used by the poet to describe the beautiful mountains of the Himalayas which he has witnessed for himself.

Q2. Why did the poet visit the Himalayas?

Ans: In the Antra Class 11 Chapter 17, the poet enjoys his time beneath the Himalayas looking around but he came looking for two things - the Alka City of Lord Kuber and the Akash Ganga river mentioned by Kalidasa in one of his poems. Whenever he looks at the clouds he is reminded of one of Kalidasa's poems, Meghdoot where he has talked about the Akash Ganga river and Kuber`s Alka City as well. The poet fails to find these places but what he sees are clouds roaring and crashing above the Kailash mountain peak. He is stunned by this view.

Q3. Can you please brief the Class 11 NCERT Hindi Chapter 17 Poem - ‘Badal Ko Ghirte Dekha Hai?’

Ans: In Class 11 NCERT Hindi Chapter 17 Poem, the poet Nagarjun appreciates the beauty of nature. He gives a wonderful description of the attractive features of the Himalayas, the ponds, swans, and so on in the poem. He aptly describes the beauty of nature during the spring season, the season of flowers and celebration. He gives readers an overview of the changes happening in nature during this season. Anyone who reads this poem is bound to fall in love with nature, travelling and sightseeing. 

Q4. Which questions are important in Class 11 NCERT Hindi Chapter 17 Poem - ‘Badal Ko Ghirte Dekha Hai?’

Ans: The most important and repeated question from Class 11 NCERT Hindi Chapter 17 Poem is the question on the imageries used in the poem. Another important question is based on the reason behind the poet's decision to visit the Himalayas. Both these questions are the core of this poem. Preparing the answers to these questions will help you understand the most crucial parts of this poem from an examination point of view.  

Q5. Can you please provide a detailed stepwise study plan to ace Class 11 NCERT Hindi Chapter 17 Poem - ‘Badal Ko Ghirte Dekha Hai?’

Ans: To ace this poem, first, read it carefully a few times. Pay attention to every single line of the poem. Try to understand and analyse its in-depth meaning. Also, find out the meaning of all the difficult words that you encounter while reading the poem. Then, solve the questions given at the end of the poem. To cover all the important topics, refer to Class 11 NCERT Hindi Chapter 17 Poem for this poem. 

Q6. What lessons did you learn from the Poem- ‘Badal Ko Ghirte Dekha Hai?’

Ans: The central message of this poem is to appreciate the beauty of little things in life. Through this poem, it is clear that happiness lies in having a positive perspective towards even the smallest things. Just like the poet, we must seek to have an observant and creative outlook. This poem teaches us to get out of our comfort zones to explore and encounter real adventures in life. 

Q7. What is the best Solution book for Class 11 NCERT Hindi Chapter 17 Poem - ‘Badal Ko Ghirte Dekha Hai?’

Ans: The best study material for this poem is Class 11 NCERT Hindi Chapter 17 Poem. These are prepared to simplify the poem for students and make their exam preparation process enjoyable. The material extensively covers all the important topics from an examination point of view, based on CBSE's latest pattern and guidelines. Look no further because this is the best, most authentic and credible online study material for Hindi. CoolGyan solutions are free of cost and also available on the CoolGyan Mobile app.