NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Hindi Antra Chapter 11 Poem - Surdas

Generally, NCERT textbooks are considered to be the best source that can be used as study material for Class 11 Hindi as they contain accurate descriptions of the concepts that are part of the syllabus. The NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Hindi Antra display a similar aim towards making the question-solving process even easier. The solutions have been designed by teams of teaching faculties and professionals having astounding expertise in the area.

Hence students do not have to worry about their credibility. Students can refer to the NCERT Solutions Class 11 Hindi Surdas Ke Pad and increase their performance in the exams up to their maximum potential.

Access NCERT Solutions for Hindi Chapter 11 - सूरदास

प्रश्न 1. ‘खेलने में को कोको गुसैयाँ’ पद में कृष्ण और सुदामा के बीच किस बात पर तकरार हुई?

उत्तर: ‘खेलने में को कोको गुसैयाँ’ पद में कृष्ण और सुदामा के बीच हार-जीत की बात पर तकरार हुई। सुदामा खेलते समय हमेशा जीत जाते हैं जबकि कृष्ण हारने की वजह से रूठ कर चले जाते हैं।  कृष्ण की यह हरकत देखकर सभी दोस्त कृष्ण से गुस्सा हो जाते हैं।

प्रश्न 2. खेल में रूठने वाले साथी के साथ सब क्यों नहीं खेलना चाहते? 

उत्तर: खेलते व्यक्त जो साथी रूठ जाता हैं उससे अन्य साथी भी परेशान होते हैं क्योंकि एक खेल में सभी बच्चों की भागीदारी समान रूप से होती है। जो हार्ट हैं उनको दूसरों को खेलने देना पड़ता है परन्तु जो बच्चे अपने हारने पर क्रोधित हो जाते है और अन्य बच्चों को खेलने के लिए मौका नहीं देते हैं, उनके साथ कोई खेलना पसंद नहीं करता है। सभी बच्चे साथ मिलकर खेलना चाहते हैं और रूठने वाले बच्चों से दूर रहना पसंद करते हैं।

प्रश्न 3. खेल में कृष्ण के रूठने पर उनके साथियों ने उन्हें डाँटते हुए क्या-क्या तर्क दिए? 

उत्तर: खेल में कृष्ण के रूठने पर उनके साथियों ने उन्हें डाँटते हुए निम्नलिखित तर्क दिए-

  1. कृष्ण के साथियों ने उनसे कहा कि खेल में हारने पर गुस्सा होना बुरी बात है।

  2. हम सभी एक समान हैं। खेल में कोई भी किसी से छोटा नहीं है।

  3. आपका हम पर क्रोधित होना सही नहीं है क्योंकि हम आपके मित्र हैं ना कि आपके माता पिता।

  4. हम आपके साथ नहीं खेलेंगे यदि आप ऐसे ही रूष्ट होते रहे।

प्रश्न 4. कृष्ण ने नंद बाबा की दुहाई देकर दाँव क्यों दिया?

उत्तर: कृष्ण अपने पिता नंद से कहते हैं कि अब से वह खेल में सभी को बराबर खेलने का मौका देंगे और वह सभी को परास्त करेंगे। कृष्ण ने नंद बाबा की दुहाई देकर दाँव इसलिए दिया क्योंकि वह चाहते थे कि सभी लोग उन पर विश्वास करें।

प्रश्न 5. इस पद से बाल-मनोविज्ञान पर क्या प्रकाश पड़ता है?

उत्तर: इन पदों में बाल-मनोविज्ञान को बहुत अच्छे से बताया गया है। इन पदों में बताया गया है कि बच्चे समझदार होते हैं तथा उन्हें सही गलत का ज्ञान होता है। उन्हें ये भी पता होता है कि कौन छोटा है और कौन बड़ा। उन्हें इस बात का ज्ञान है की खेल में सभी बराबर होते हैं। अतः कृष्ण अपने पिता के नाम पर मनमानी नहीं कर सकते हैं। वे निर्णय लेने में भी निपुर्ण हैं। वे कृष्ण को चेतावनी देते हुए कहते हैं कि यदि कृष्ण ने यह बेईमानी करना बन्द नहीं किया तो कोई भी साथी उनके साथ खेलना पसंद नहीं करेगा।

प्रश्न 6. ‘गिरिधर नार नवावति? से सखी जा क्या आशय है?

उत्तर: प्रस्तुत पंक्तियों के माध्यम से गोपियाँ कृष्ण पर व्यंग्य करती है। इन पंक्तियों का मतलब है कि कृष्ण जब बांसुरी बजातें हैं तो अपनी गर्दन झुका लेते हैं मानो जैसे प्रेम में खो गए हो इसलिए गोपियों को उनकी बांसुरी अपनी सौत जैसे प्रतीत होती है। गोपियाँ कृष्ण की बांसुरी को कोई कन्या समझती हैं और उसपे गुस्सा करती हैं। वह कृष्ण पर व्यंग्य करते हुए कहती हैं कि कृष्ण को अपनी बांसुरी को अपने होठों से स्पर्श नहीं कराना चाहिए क्योंकि यह बात गोपियों को पसंद नहीं है।

प्रश्न 7. कृष्ण के अधरों की तुलना सेज से क्यों की गई है? 

उत्तर: कृष्ण के अधरों की तुलना सेज से इसलिए की गई है क्योंकि कृष्ण के अधर और सेज की कोमलता बिल्कुल एक जैसी है। जिस प्रकार सेज पर मनुष्य निद्रा करता है ठीक उसी प्रकार कृष्ण के अधरों का काम बांसुरी की निद्रा है।

प्रश्न 8. पठित पाठ के आधार पर सूरदास के काव्य की विशेषताएँ बताइए।

उत्तर:  पठित पाठ के आधार पर सूरदास के काव्य की विशेषताएँ निम्नलिखित हैं-

  1. सूरदास के पदों में वात्सल्य रस की बहुता है।

  2. सूरदास के पदों में कृष्ण के बाल्य काल की बहुत सी लीलाएं हैं।

  3. सूरदास के पदों में बाल मनोविज्ञान भी है तथा इसमें बच्चों के स्वभाव के बारे में भी बताया गया है।

  4. सूरदास के पदों में स्त्रियों का भी उल्लेख है।

  5. सूरदास के पदों में श्रृंगार रस की भी प्रधानता है।

  6. सूरदास ने अपने पदों में उत्प्रेक्षा, उपमा तथा अनुप्रास अलंकार का भी प्रयोग किया है।

  7. सूरदास के पदों की भाषा ब्रज है और उनमें गेयता गुण भी है।

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Hindi Antra Chapter 11 Poem - Surdas

NCERT Solutions Class 11 Hindi Antra Chapter 11 Poem - Free PDF Download

In Class 11, Hindi is one subject that poses problems to mainly those students who do not actively use the language for communication. The Surdas Ke Pad Class 11 NCERT Solutions helps students to build strong foundations of the subject for exam preparations and towards formulating future career options. When prepping for your exams, there is no better way than practising the Class 11 Hindi Antra CH 11 NCERT Solutions. 

The NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Hindi Antra Chapter 11 Poem are designed to be by CBSE guidelines and formats, and effectively work to help you comprehend the meaning of the various concepts concerning the subject. This PDF contains accurate and efficient solutions to every question in Class 11 Hindi Poem Chapter 11 Surdas Ke Pad.

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Hindi Antra - Chapter 11 Surdas Ke Pad

Surdas Ke Pad Class 11 is a series of two verses of a poem comprising the Chapter 11 of the NCERT textbook Antra for the CBSE 11th grade Hindi syllabus. Both of these are dedicated to throwing light on Shri Krishna's variegated personality traits for the reader to enjoy. The Class 11 Antra Chapter 11 Solution covers the situations, reactions, and implications of both the instances dictated in the poem.

The first instance describes a conversation between Shri Krishna and Gwal Balko with an emphasis on the naughtiness of Shri Krishna. Surdas Ji tries to illustrate how Shri Krishna does not like to accept defeat followed by commentary of Gwal Balko who is extremely critical towards Krishna's behaviour. He even quotes Shri Dama who is Shri Krishna's big brother explaining how he always tries to get his way. Balko further exclaims that Shri Krishna needs to stop pretending like he is a king.

The second instance depicts an iconic picture of the influence of 'Murli' on Shri Krishna and how it puts him in trance. This gives all the 'Gopis' natural jealousy against the 'Murli'. Surdas Ji exclaims that the flute holds him on one leg and bends his neck as if displaying utmost authority on Krishna which makes all the Gopis angry at him for not giving them an equal and undivided level of attention. This verse explains the agony faced by the ladies because of how much the flute puts Krishna in a mood.

Class 11th Hindi Antra Chapter 11 - Weightage Marks

In order to fully understand the main concepts of Surdas Ke Pad Class 11, a student will be required to focus on the multiple implications, interpretations, and revelations about the situation as depicted by Surdas. The questions under Surdas Ke Pad Class 11 NCERT generally appear as short answers to context fill in the blanks, meanings, or metaphors. The weightage of this chapter defines either 2 marks for short answer type questions or one-word answer type questions or at times 5 marks for long answer type questions. You should thoroughly familiarize yourself with the various names included along with implications and meanings given in the verses to perform well in the CBSE board examinations.

Benefits of the CBSE Class 11 Hindi Antra Chapter 11 Solutions

These NCERT Solutions are targeted towards making the lives of students easier and academic excellence approachable. Following are the chief benefits of using these solutions by students:

  • These solutions are explained by experienced instructors, experts, and specialists with astounding experience in the field.

  • One of the fundamental points of interest of these solutions alludes to the simple accessibility of solved and thoroughly examined answers to questions given in the course reading so students can allude to them when required. 

  • These solutions are updated regularly about the most recent CBSE schedules and rules. 

  • These solutions help students in improving their score and accomplish results with negligible mental pressure because of better association of content. 

  • The solutions have been planned and organized by the main focus of performing admirably in assessments.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What does Surdas implicate towards Child Psychology through this poem?

Child psychology is highlighted by this poem in a way that seems almost intelligent. It emphasizes how children study everything closely and recognize what is right and what is wrong. Shri Krishna displays the ability to understand everything no matter how big or small. To explain the agony of Krishna for example, Surdas Ji explains that he cannot take undue advantage of his caste, father's name, or wealth respectively. It emphasizes on the fact that children try to study everything closely and become a single unit in anger.

2. What are the characteristics of Surdas' poetry?

Following are the significant characteristics of Surdas' poetry:

  • The verse made by Surdas provides a beautiful depiction of catalysis and alliteration ornamentation

  • He understands the mood of women significantly.

  • The child psychology concept used by him depicts exactly the nature of the behaviour of children.

  • Vastalya used by him is the best Rasa. 

  • There is a presence of quality of singularity in both the verses.

  • There is an amazing description of the Shringar Ras.

3. Why do kids not like playing with the children who sulk on losing?

In a game, there is always a losing team. But it is to keep in mind that everyone is equal in a game. And thus sportsmanship becomes a very important attribute that every child needs to develop and cultivate from a very young age. 

On the other hand, if on losing a game, a child sulks and creates a scene, then the other kids would eventually distance themselves from him/her, as everyone wants a chance in the game in order to enjoy. Thus, to get the full enjoyment and satisfaction out of the game, equal chances are to be given to everyone and sportsmanship is to be followed. 

4. Why are the lips of Lord Krishna compared to the soft couch?

The lips of Lord Krishna are compared to the soft couch due to the following reasons.

  • Firstly, because the lips of Lord Krishna are as soft as the surface of the couch.

  • Secondly, just like the couch is used by us to lie down and rest, similarly the flute that Lord Krishna is known to be the master of, rests on the lips of the player to produce the melodious tunes. It appears as though the flute is resting on the lips of Lord Krishna.

5. What did the friends of Krishna tell him when he started sulking after losing the game?

The friends of Krishna told him the following things when he got upset after losing in the game:

  • They advised him that getting upset after losing in a game is wrong and that he lacks sportsmanship.

  • Everyone while playing a game is equal and thus should be given equal opportunities.

  • They told him that if he continues to behave in this way, no one would want to play with him in the future.

  • They also tell him that he is not their guardian, and thus he should be upset with them.

6. Are NCERT Solutions available for Class 11 Hindi Chapter 11?

Yes, the NCERT solutions are easily available for Class 11 Hindi Chapter 11. These solutions will help the students in getting a better understanding of the poem. The various exercises have solved solutions that will make the learning process easier for the students. With the practice of these exercises, the students will be easily able to answer any question that has its basis in this particular poem. The students can get the PDFs of the NCERT solutions for this chapter on the website of CoolGyan. They can download the PDF from the mobile app of CoolGyan as well. 

7. Who is Surdas?

Surdas was a blind poet from the 16th century. He was an ardent devotee of Lord Krishna and most of his poems and hymns trace the praises of Lord Krishna which were usually written in the Braj Bhasha. He was learned and respected in the Vaishnava traditions. He is most famously known for the composition of his Sur Sagar. It presents the description of Lord Krishna and Radha as lovers and presents the longing of Radha for her lover. 

There are also episodes from the Ramayana and the Mahabharata in Surdas's personal bhakti poems.