NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Exercise 14.4 Chapter 14 Statistics- FREE PDF Download
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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 14 – Statistics
1. The following distribution gives the daily income of 50 workers of a factory:
Convert the distribution above to a less than type cumulative frequency distribution and draw its ogive.
Now, by drawing the points on the graph,
i.e., (120, 12); (140, 26); (160, 34); (180, 40); (200, 50)
Scale: On axis 10 units = Rs. 10 and on
axis 10 units = 5 workers
(start the graph from 120 correspond to 12 on y axis)
2. During the medical checkup of 35 students of a class, their weights were recorded as follows:
Draw a less than type ogive for the given data. Hence obtain the median weight from the graph and verify the result by using the formula.
Hence, the points for graph are:
(38, 0), (40, 3), (42, 5), (44, 9), (46, 14), (48, 28), (50, 32), (52, 35)
Scale: On axis, 10 units = 2 kg and on
axis, 10 units = 5 students
change : (in graph :38 is plotted wrongly on graph on 38 its zero and at 40 38 is there)
From the above graph, Median = 46.5 kg, which lies in class interval 46 – 48.
Here, , then
, which lies in interval 46 – 48.
Median class = 46 – 48
So, and
Now, Median =
= 46+[17.5−1414]×246+[17.5−1414]×2
= 46+71446+714
= 46 + 0.5
= 46.5
Hence median weight of students is 46.5 kg.
3. The following table gives production yield per hectare of wheat of 100 farms of a village.
Change the distribution to a more than type distribution and draw its ogive.
The points for the graph are:
(50, 100), (55, 98), (60, 90), (65, 78), (70, 54), (75, 16)
Scale: On axis, 10 units = 5 kg/ha and on
axis, 10 units = 10 forms.
(change the place of 50 in the graph it must be at 55 )
Hence median weight of the students are 56.67 kg.