NCERT Solutions for Class 1 Hindi Chapter 19

Class 1 Hindi syllabus offers beautiful poems and rhymes for the kids. One of the fascinating poems is Char Chane. It is the 19th chapter of the syllabus that circles the wish of a child who wants to buy gram seeds. To find out what the kid wants, refer to NCERT Solutions for Class 1 Hindi Chapter 19 Char Chane offered by CoolGyan. You can download this solution in the PDF format and refer to it offline to study the chapter. Hindi Class 1 Chapter 19 is an excellent rhyme that the kids will like to study and memorize. Add this solution to the study material to make it easier for the kids to answer the exercise questions.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 1 Hindi Chapter 19 Char Chane

Char Chane: Class 1 Hindi Chapter 19 Summary

The poet has perfectly described the innocent thoughts of a child in this poem. The child wishes to have some money to buy gram seeds. He wanted to buy four gram seeds and feed a parrot, a mouse and a horse. He wants to buy gram seeds and wishes to have that amount of money. He wants to feed the seeds to a parrot, a horse and a mouse. The poet has used ‘char’ or four metaphorically as it means that the kid wants to buy a handful of gram seeds to feed the animals. His intention for feeding the animals is joy. It comes in different shapes. Behind every wish, there is an intention hiding. The kid wants to feed the parrot to make it sing. He was eager to listen to the cacophony of the parrot but did not have money to buy gram seeds.

As per Class 1 Chapter 19 Solution, the poet described that the kid wanted to feed the horse a gram seed as he wanted to ride on his back. He wanted to feel the thrill of sitting on the back of the horse. Despite his wish, he did not have money to spend on gram seeds. He also wanted to feed gram seeds to a mouse. His naïve mind thought that feeding gram seeds to a mouse will make his teeth fall. He was unaware that mice have very strong teeth.

If you follow NCERT Solution for Class 1 Hindi Chapter 19, you will find that the child was desperately looking for some fun with the animals. He intended to feed them gram seeds to either listen to their songs or to ride on their back. He expressed his wish to feed the mouse to watch its teeth fall off and enjoy. The poet has perfectly described how a child’s mind thinks and wishes to do such beautiful things to enjoy.

Benefits of using CBSE Class 1 Hindi Chapter 19 Solutions

Class 1 Hindi Chapter 19 is a poem based on the wishes of a child. He wants to buy gram seeds to feed the animals and have fun. The poem is written in the form of a rhyme so that students of Class 2 can memorize it easily. To solve the questions properly, you need to seek assistance from CBSE Class 1 Hindi Chapter 19 Solutions. It will help you find the best and easiest answers to the questions in the exercise. These answers have been framed by the teachers of CoolGyan in such a way that the students can read and understand on their own. It will add more confidence and it will be more convenient to prepare the chapter on their own.

The solution for Class 1 Hindi Chapter 19 Char Chane will help students reduce the time to prepare the chapter. All the doubts will be cleared as the meaning of all lines in the poem will be properly described in the form of answers. Downloading this solution in PDF format will also add more flexibility in studying the chapter. All the answers are framed following the latest CBSE format.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What did the child want to do with gram seeds?

As per NCERT Solutions Class 1 Hindi Chapter 19, the child wanted to buy gram seeds to feed the animals. He wanted to listen to the songs of a parrot and ride on the back of a horse. He also wanted to see the teeth of a mouse fall off while eating the hard gram seeds.

2. How can you write the best answers to Chapter 19 questions?

By using NCERT Solutions Class 1 Hindi Char Chane, you will find the best format to follow and practice. The format used by the experts will help you write answers on your own.

3. What is the best way to prepare Hindi Class 1 Chapter 19?

Understand and memorize the chapter. Proceed to the exercise and follow Char Chane Class 1 NCERT Solutions to find the right answers to prepare this chapter properly. 

4. What is Chapter 19 of the NCERT textbook for Class 1 Hindi?

Chapter 19 is a poem called ‘Char Chane’. It is written by well-known poet and author Nirankar Dev Sevak. He is known for his work in Hindi, Urdu, and Children’s Literature. The poem talks about the simplicity in a child’s life. How his/her dreams are simple and he/she will do whatever to achieve it. It is a motivational poem for the students.

5. Give a brief summary of the ‘Char Chane’.

Char Chane is a poem written by Nirankar Dev Sevak. It talks about a child who wishes to have money. The child says that if he had money he would buy gram seeds or ‘chana’. He would buy a handful of chana denoted by ‘char’. The child wishes for a very simple thing but he thinks it will bring him great joy so he is happy. He wishes to feed each chana to a different animal and be happy. It is a pure and innocent form of happiness. 

6. What would happen if the child fed gram seeds to a parrot?

The poem describes the desire of the child to have money. He wants to buy a handful of gram seeds with the money. He wants to feed the gram seeds first to a parrot. He thinks if he gave gram seeds to the parrot, it would be very happy and sing for them. Seeing the parrot happy and singing for them would in return get the boy and his friends excited.

7. What would happen if the boy fed the gram seeds to a horse?

Out of the handful of gram seeds, the boy would buy if he had money, he would also feed one gram seed to a horse. He thinks that feeding the horse chana would make the horse excited and happy. The happy horse would let him sit on his back and take him for a ride. The boy is very excited about this and it would make him really happy. 

8. What would happen if the boy fed gram seeds to a mouse?

The boy says lastly if he had money he would buy gram seeds and feed one to a mouse. The boy has a mischievous motive behind this. He says that if he feeds the mouse a gram seed it would be so hard for him to chew that all his teeth would break and fall off. This would make him laugh a lot. This is his wish for when he would get a handful of gram seeds. It is to make himself happy.