NCERT Solutions for Class 1 Hindi Chapter 1

Hindi Class 1 has a beautiful syllabus where the kids will read excellent prose and poems. Most of the poems are based on the fun activities kids like to do outdoors. The first chapter is based on the swings hanged on the branches of trees where kids like to sit and enjoy with their friends. Hindi Class 1 Chapter 1  is all about a kid asking his mother to set a swing on the branch of a tree nearby. He wants to swing like the branches and leaves do when the wind blows. This poem perfectly portrays the innocence of a child and will surely make the students happy. To find the right answers to the questions, you can download the Class 1 Chapter 1 solution prepared by the experts of CoolGyan. Easy and simple language has been used to make the concept clear. Students will be able to understand the context of this poem and will feel more confident to answers the questions on their own. Use the solution file as a reference to prepare this chapter.

The Solutions for Class 1 Hindi Chapter 1 will soon be uploaded on this page.

Jhoola: Class 1 Hindi Chapter 1 Solution

A child is requesting his mother to hang a swing on the branches. He is fascinated to see the branches and leaves swinging with joy when the wind blows. He also wants to do the same by using a swing hung on the same branch. It shows how innocent a child can be. Class 1 Hindi Chapter 1 also tells us that the child wants to climb the swing and reach the topmost branch in the tree. He wants to reach the sky using the tree as his platform. His innocent mind thinks that the big tree is the tallest one to reach the sky.

The tree is standing tall. The branches are big and have many leaves. The wind is blowing among the leaves making them dance. In fact, the branches also seem very happy as they are swinging too. This swinging action of the branches makes the child demand a swing from his mother. He asks his mother when she will hang a swing on a branch of this tree. If you follow the NCERT solutions for Class 1 Hindi Chapter 1 Jhoola, you will find that the kid wants to be a part of the game the branches and leaves are playing. He wants to climb on the swing and play too. He also wants to climb up the swing and get on the branch. He wants to rise up higher and reach the top of the tree. His dream is to touch the sky. While asking his mother to hang a swing, he also said that he wants to go to the big cities such as Mumbai and Kolkata.

Why Should You Prefer Using the NCERT Solution of Class 1 Hindi Chapter 1?

It is not easy for a Class 1 student to write the answers to the questions when the poem is not properly explained. The poem is based on the innocence of a child who wants to touch the sky by swinging on the branch of a big tree. The NCERT solution of Class 1 Hindi Chapter 1 will help you understand the context of the chapter. You can follow the answers in the chapter and study. Use it as a reference to practice and prepare the chapter. It will help the students to learn how to answer the questions based on this Hindi chapter.

The CBSE Class 1 Hindi Chapter 1 solutions will also help the students to completely understand the chapter within a short period. The syllabus will be completed easily before an exam. Scoring good marks will be easier if the answers prepared by the teachers are followed.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1. What did the Child Request his Mother in Class 1 Hindi Chapter 1 Jhoola?

Ans: The child was fascinated to see the branches and leaves of a big tree dancing with the wind. This reminds him of a swing. He asks his mother to hang a swing from the branch and let him swing with the wind too. The kid wants to enjoy swinging from the branch and play like the leaves. Follow the NCERT solutions Class 1 Hindi Chapter 1 to understand the context of this poem.

Q2. Why did the Child Want to Climb the Swing?

Ans: As per the Jhoola Class 1 NCERT solutions, you will find out that the child wants to climb the swing. He wants to swing it hard to reach the top of the tree and touch the sky. He also wants to go to the big cities using this swing.

Q3. How can you use NCERT Solutions Class 1 Hindi Jhoola Efficiently?

Ans: You can use the solution for preparing the answers to the questions in the exercise. Easy language and format of the answers will help students prepare this chapter.

Q4. How to achieve good marks in Class 1 Hindi?

Ans: Hindi Class 1 syllabus is a fun-filled syllabus that will keep the young students engaged. To achieve good marks in Class 1 Hindi, students need to go over the reading material and understand it well. You can head over to CoolGyan's NCERT Solutions for Class 1 Chapter 1 Hindi to get the hang of the context of all the chapters. CoolGyan's solutions will help you understand the material thoroughly. It will also provide answers to all the questions of the units. Hence, following these guidelines, students can excel very well in their exams.

Q5. Why are NCERT Hindi Books favoured by Class 1 students?

Ans: NCERT textbooks are the only material students need to perform well in their exams. These books are prescribed by CBSE itself. They cover the entire syllabus in easy language, along with comprehensive and engaging explanations of the concepts. As they are free of cost, they seem more attractive and luring.

Q6. How can I download NCERT Books Class 1 for all subjects?

Ans: All NCERT books are available in PDF form on the NCERT website. You can download them from NCERT Books. All the PDFs are free of cost and can also be accessed on the CoolGyan Mobile app, anywhere and anytime.

Q7. What are the main NCERT Books for Class 1?

Ans: The main NCERT books for Class 1 are as follow:

Mathematics: "Math-Magic"

English: "Marigold" and "Raindrops"

Hindi: "Rimjhim"

All the PDFs of the above books are free of cost and can also be accessed on the CoolGyan Mobile app, anywhere and anytime.

Q8. What did the child want to do after climbing on the swing?

Ans: In, NCERT Solutions for Class 1 Chapter 1 Hindi The child wanted to touch the sky after climbing on the swing.