Often forgotten but still a highly recommended document of high value, that is a class syllabus. Samways, one should also appreciate the Karnataka Board Class 11 Maths Syllabus. From the sets and functions to trigonometry, algebra, as well as permutations and combinations, the highly structured Karnataka State Board Math Syllabus for 1st PUC, will take the students through the entire content of the subject that is covered in the course, during the year.
If a student follows the Karnataka PU board syllabus correctly, they would not have to spend the class confused, wondering what concept would be taken during a specific Maths period. In other words, a class syllabus is like a subject wise report indicating to the student which faculty would be taking a particular concept or subject during which particular class.
How do Karnataka Board Class 11 Syllabus for Maths help?
The Karnataka Board 1st puc Syllabus can also act as a bridge to the student so that he can gauge his interest or estimate his learning gap of a subject and work hard to overcome that. Some other benefits or use of class 11 maths syllabus given below:
- Help students to gauge their interest in or grasp of a particular concept of Class 11 Maths
- Gives Teachers a better indication of how to plan for their lectures or classes
- Gives students clear information as to what will be covered in Class 11 Maths for the entire year
- Students can also prepare ahead for a particular Maths period by learning the concepts covered in a sub-topic
What is an effective Karnataka Board 1st puc Maths Syllabus?
An effective 1st puc Karnataka Board Syllabus for 11th Maths is one that very clearly indicates to the students the importance of a particular subject or course and what they can get out of it. Also, it will tell them if taking a particular subject will help them in their further or higher studies. It will also clearly tell a student about the practical as well as the intellectual objective of maths. Main points of interest in the Karnataka secondary education examination board syllabus include:
- Instructor information and details
- A list of references or reading materials to follow
- Will indicate to the student about the leave policies
- Will tell the students about the grading process, or how marks are given
- Information about any expected group or solo assignments and the due date
A well-constructed and effective syllabus can also be interactive by letting the student play a role in developing it. Now, check here to see a copy of the Class 11 Maths Syllabus for the year 2020-21. Due to loss of classes due to the Covid-19 pandemic and to make up for the academic loss, the KSEEB 1st PUC Maths syllabus was reduced for the year 2020-21. Please find the new updated syllabus here.
Download Reduced 2020-21 Karnataka Board Maths Syllabus for Class 11
1. Sets |
2. Relations and Functions |
3. Trigonometric Functions |
4. Principle of Mathematical Induction |
5. Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations |
6. Linear Inequalities |
7. Permutations and Combinations |
8. Binomial Theorem |
9. Sequences and Series |
10. Straight Lines |
11. Conic Sections |
12. Introduction to Three Dimensional Geometry |
13. Limits and Derivatives |
14. Mathematical Reasoning |
15. Statistics |
16. Probability |
Appendix 1: Infinite Series A.1.1 Introduction A.1.2 Binomial Theorem for any Index A.1.3 Infinite Geometric Series A.1.4 Exponential Series A.1.5 Logarithmic Series |
Appendix 2: Mathematical Modelling A.2.1 Introduction A.2.2 Preliminaries A.2.3 What is Mathematical Modelling |