Karnataka Board 1st PUC Biology Model Paper

Students who want to score good marks and are aiming to get an idea about the exam pattern and the marking scheme, will find this Karnataka Board 1st PUC Biology Model Paper really useful. It will also provide them with enough practice before the exams, thus helping them to get more acquainted with the type of questions that would be asked. This will also help them to get over exam phobia and face the exams more confidently.

Karnataka Board 1st PUC Biology Model Paper 2020-2021

The syllabus for the academic year 2020-21 was reduced and here we provide the sample format of the 2020-21 model question papers for KSEEB 1st PUC Biology.

Karnataka Board 1st PUC Biology Model Paper 2019-2020 Free PDFs

This 3 hrs 15 minutes question paper amounts to a total of 70 marks and contains 4 parts, Part A, B, C and D. Part A contains 10 questions of 1 mark each, while Part B has 5 questions of 2 marks each and Part C has 5 questions of 3 marks each. Finally, Part D contains two sections 1 and 2, with section 1 giving the option to answer any 4 questions from the 6. These would amount to 5 marks for each question. Section 2 also gives the option to answer 3 questions from given 5 assigned 5 marks each.

Download Karnataka Board 1st PUC Model Paper For Biology

KSEEB 1st PUC Biology Model Paper- Set 1
KSEEB 1st PUC Biology Model Paper- Set 2

Students can now access more such resourceful links and free study material of the puc Karnataka Board like the textbooks and previous year question papers from CoolGyan’S.