Important Questions for CBSE Class 10 Science Chapter 6 - Life Processes 1 Mark Question

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CBSE Class 10 Science Life Processes Chapter-6 Important Questions

CBSE Class 10 science Important Questions Chapter 6 – Life Processes

1 Mark Questions

1. Amoeba shows following kind of nutrition –
(a) autotrophic
(b) holozoic
(c) saprotrophic
(d) parasitic
Ans. (b) holozoic

2. The process by which blood is cleared of metabolic wastes in case of kidney failure is called
a) artificial kidney
b) dialysis
c) transplantation
d) filtration
Ans. b) dialysis

3. Woody plants carry gaseous exchange through
a) root hair
b) stem hair
c) Lenticels
d) epidermal cells.
An. (c) Lenticels

4. Where does digestion of starch begin in human body?
Ans. Mouth

5. Give one example each of saprophytic and parasitic nutrition.
Ans. Parasitic Nutrition – Plasmodium (Protozoa)
Saprophytic Nutrition – fungi

6. Which of the following statements about the autographs is incorrect?
a) They store carbohydrates in the form of starch.
b) They constitute the first trophy level in food chains.
c) They convert and water into carbohydrates in the absence of sunlight
d) They synthesize carbohydrates from and water in the presence of sunlight & chlorophyll.

Ans. c) They convert and water into carbohydrates in the absence of sunlight

7. Which of these is not a part of the small intestine?
a) Duodenum
b) Jejunum
c) Ileum
d) Rectum
Ans. d) Rectum

8. During contraction of heart, what prevents backflow of blood?
a) Thin walls of atria
b) Thick muscular walls of ventricles
c) Valves in heart
d) All of the above
Ans. c) Valves in heart

9. Name excretory organ in amoeba and earthworm
Ans. Amoeba – Cell membrane
Earthworm – Outer covering (skin)

10. Name the plant tissue through which water and minerals are transported in plants.
Ans. Xylem

11. Trachea do not collapse when there is not much air because they are –
a) thick and muscular
b) having cartilaginous rings
c) Have valves
d) supported by larynx.
Ans. b) having cartilaginous rings

12. Which one of the following blood vessels contains only deoxygenated blood?
a) pulmonary vein
b) pulmonary artery
c) capillaries
d) Aorta
Ans. b) pulmonary artery

13. The autotrophic mode of nutrition requires –
a) Chlorophyll
b) Sunlight
c) Carbon – dioxide & water
d) all of the above
Ans. d) all of the above

14. Name the red pigment carrying oxygen in blood.
Ans. Haemoglobin

15. Name the hormone which is responsible for reabsorption of water in nephrons.
Ans. Anti – diuretic – hormone (ADH) or vasopressin

16. When air is blown from mouth into a test – tube containing lime water, the lime water turned milky due to presence of –
a) oxygen
b) nitrogen
c) water vapours
d) carbon – dioxide
Ans. d) carbon – dioxide

17. In which of the following group/ groups of animals, heart does not pump oxygenated blood to different parts of the body?
a) Pisces only
b) Amphibians only
c) Amphibians and reptiles only
d) Pisces and amphibians.
Ans. a) Pisces only

18. The filtration units of kidneys are called –
a) Ureter
b) Urethra
c) Neurons
d) nephrons.
Ans. D) nephrons

19. What is the mode of nutrition in fungi and plasmodium?
Ans. Fungi – Saprophytic
Plasmodium – parasitic

20. Which of them contain less nitrogenous waste – renal vein or the renal artery?
Ans. Renal vein

21. Amoeba captures food with the help of –
a) teeth
b) cilia
c) pseudopodia
d) tentacles
Ans. c) pseudopodia

22. Which of the following is most appropriate for aerobic respiration?


23. Name the part of alimentary canal receiving bile from the liver.
a) Oesophagus
b) Stomach
c) Small intestine
d) Large intestine
Ans. c) Small Intestine.

24. What is glycolysis?
Ans. Breakdown of Glucose into pyruvate is known as glycolysis

25. Name the largest artery of body.
Ans. Aorta

26. The kidneys in human beings are parts of the system for
(a) nutrition
(b) respiration
(c) excretion
(d) transpiration
Ans. (c) excretion

27. The xylem in plants are responsible for
(a) transport of water
(b) transport of food
(c) transport of amino acids
(d) transport of oxygen
Ans. (a) transport of water

28. The autotrophic mode of nutrition requires
(a) carbon dioxide and water
(b) chlorophyll
(c) sunlight
(d) all of the above
Ans. (d) all of the above

29. The breakdown of pyruvate to give carbon dioxide, water and energy takes place in
(a) cytoplasm
(b) mitochondria
(c) chloroplast
(d) nucleus
Ans. (b) mitochondria

30. Food moves down the gut by peristalsis. Which region of brain controls peristalsis.
Ans. Medulla of hind brain.

31. Name the pigment present in plants, which can absorb solar energy.
Ans. Chlorophyll.

32. Which of the four chambers of the human heart has the thickest muscular walls?
Ans. Right ventricle.

33. Which part of visible spectrum is absorbed by chlorophyll pigments?
Ans. Blue and Red light

34. Name the cartilaginous flap which closes the glottis to check the entry of food into it during swallowing.
Ans. Epiglottis

35. Which equipment is used to facilitate breathing during serious breathing problems?
Ans. Ventilator

36. What do you mean by double circulation of blood?
Ans. Blood passes through the heart twice for each cycle of the body.