Important Questions for CBSE Class 10 Maths Chapter 5 - Arithmetic Progressions 2 Mark Question

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CBSE Class 10 Maths Chapter-5 Arithmetic Progressions Important Questions

CBSE Class 10 Maths Important Questions Chapter 5 – Arithmetic Progressions

2 Mark Questions

1. Find the missing variable from a, d, n and an, where a is the first term, d is the common difference and anis the nth term of AP.
(i) a= 7, d = 3, n = 8
(ii) a = –18, n= 10, an=0
(iii) d = –3, n = 18, an=−5
(iv) a = –18.9, d = 2.5, an=3.6
(v) a = 3.5, d = 0, n = 105
Ans. (i) a= 7, d = 3, n = 8
We need to find an here.
Using formula an=a+(n−1)d
Putting values of a, d and n,
(ii) a = –18, n= 10, an=0
We need to find d here.
Using formula an=a+(n−1)d
Putting values of a, an and n,
0 = –18 + (10 – 1)d
⇒ 0=−18+9d
⇒ 18=9d
⇒ d=2
(iii) d = –3, n = 18, an=−5
We need to find a here.
Using formula an=a+(n−1)d
Putting values of d, an and n,
–5 = a + (18 – 1)(–3)
⇒ −5=a+(17)(−3)
⇒ −5=a–51
⇒ a=46
(iv) a = –18.9, d = 2.5, an=3.6
We need to find n here.
Using formula an=a+(n−1)d
Putting values of d, an and a,
3.6 = –18.9 + (n – 1) (2.5)
⇒ 3.6=−18.9+2.5n−2.5
⇒ 2.5n=25
⇒ n=10
(v) a = 3.5, d = 0, n = 105
We need to find an here.
Using formula an=a+(n−1)d
Putting values of d, n and a,
⇒ an=3.5 + 104 × 0
⇒ an=3.5 + 0
⇒ an=3.5

2. Choose the correct choice in the following and justify:
(i) 30thterm of the AP: 10,7,4… is
(A) 97
(B) 77
(C) –77
(D) –87
(ii) 11thterm of the AP: −3,−12,2…is
(A) 28
(B) 22
(C) –38
Ans. (i) 10,7,4…
First term = a =10, Common difference = d = 7 – 10= 4 – 7= –3
And n = 30 {Because, we need to find 30thterm}
⇒ a30=10+(30−1)(−3)=10 – 87=−77
Therefore, the answer is (C).
(ii) −3,−½,2…
First term = a = –3, Common difference = d = −½ −(−3)=2−(−½)=
And n = 11 (Because, we need to find 11thterm)
an=−3+(11 – 1)=−3+25=22

3. Which term of the AP: 3, 8, 13, 18 … is 78?
Ans. First term = a=3, Common difference = d = 8 – 3=13 – 8=5 and an=78
Using formula an=a+(n−1)d,to find nth term of arithmetic progression,
⇒ 78=3+(n−1)5
⇒ 75=5n−5
⇒ 80=5n
⇒ n=16
It means 16thterm of the given AP is equal to 78.

4. Find the number of terms in each of the following APs:
(i) 7,13,19….,205
(ii) 18,,13…, −47
Ans. (i) 7,13,19…, 205
First term = a =7, Common difference = d = 13 – 7= 19 – 13= 6
And an=205
Using formula an=a+(n−1)d, to find nth term of arithmetic progression,
⇒ 205=6n+1
⇒ 204=6n
⇒ n=34
Therefore, there are 34 terms in the given arithmetic progression.
(ii) 18,,13…, −47
First term = a =18, Common difference = d =
And an=−47
Using formula an=a+(n−1)d, to find nth term of arithmetic progression,
⇒ −94=36−5n+5
⇒ 5n=135
⇒ n=27
Therefore, there are 27 terms in the given arithmetic progression

5. Check whether –150 is a term of the AP: 11,8,5,2…
Ans. Let −150 is the nth of AP 11,8,5,2… which means that an=−150
Here, First term = a = 11, Common difference = d = 8 – 11= –3
Using formula an=a+(n−1)d, to find nth term of arithmetic progression,
⇒ −150=11−3n+3
⇒ 3n=164
⇒ n=
But, n cannot be in fraction.
Therefore, our supposition is wrong. −150 cannot be term in AP.

6. An AP consists of 50 terms of which 3rdterm is 12 and the last term is 106. Find the 29thterm.
Ans. An AP consists of 50 terms and the 50thterm is equal to 106 and a3=12
Using formula an=a+(n−1)d, to find nth term of arithmetic progression,
a50=a+(50−1)And a3=a+(3−1)d
⇒ 106=a+49And 12=a+2d
These are equations consisting of two variables.
Using equation 106=a+49d, we get a=106−49d
Putting value of a in the equation 12=a+2d,
⇒ 47d=94
⇒ d=2
Putting value of d in the equation, a=106−49d,
a=106 – 49(2)=106 – 98=8
Therefore, First term =a=8 and Common difference =d=2
To find 29thterm, we use formula an=a+(n−1)d which is used to find nth term of arithmetic progression,
Therefore, 29th term of AP is equal to 64

7. How many multiples of 4 lie between 10 and 250?
Ans. The odd numbers between 0 and 50 are 1,3,5,7…49
It is an arithmetic progression because the difference between consecutive terms is constant.
First term = a = 1, Common difference = 3 – 1= 2, Last term = l=49
We do not know how many odd numbers are present between 0 and 50.
Therefore, we need to find n first.
Using formula an=a+(n−1)d, to find nth term of arithmetic progression, we get
⇒ 49=1+2n−2
⇒ 50=2n
⇒ n=25
Applying formula,  to find sum of n terms of AP, we get

8. Which term of the AP: 121, 117, 113, … its first negative term?
Ans. Given: 121, 117, 113, …….
 =  = 
For the first negative term, 
is an integer and 
Hence, the first negative term is 32nd term

9. The sum of the third and the seventh terms of an AP is 6 and their product is 8. Find the sum of sixteen terms of the AP.
Ans. Let the AP be 

 =  = 76
Taking ,

 =  = 20
 S16 = 20 and 76

10. A ladder has rungs 25 cm apart (see figure). The rungs decrease uniformly in length from 45 cm, at the bottom to 25 cm at the top. If the top and the bottom rungs are  m apart, what is the length of the wood required for the rungs?

 Number of rungs  = 10
The length of the wood required for rungs = sum of 10 rungs
 = 5 x 70 = 350 cm

11. The houses of a row are numbered consecutively from 1 to 49. Show that there is a value of  such that the sum of the numbers of the houses preceding the house numbered  is equal to the sum of the numbers of the houses following it. Find this value of 

Ans. Here  and 



 = 49 x 25
According to question,

  = 49 x 25 – 
  + = 49 x 25
  = 49 x 25
Since,  is a counting number, so negative value will be neglected.

12. Find the first term and the common difference 

13. Is form an AP?

Hence, it is not an AP.

14. Which is the next term of the AP 

 = a + (5 – 1)d

Next term is 

15. Find the 11th term from the last term of the AP 10, 7, 4,………,-62.

16. If and are in A.P, find the value of .
Ans. Since and are in AP

17. Find the sum of first n odd natural numbers.

18. Find the 12th term of the AP

19. Find the sum of first 11 terms of AP 2, 6, 10…

20. Find the sum of first hundred even natural numbers divisible by 5.
Ans. Even natural no. divisible by 5 are 10, 20, 30…

21. Find for the A.P 

22. Find the common difference and write the next two terms of the AP 

Hence, it is AP.

23. Show that sequence defined by is an AP.

Hence, it is AP.

24. The first term of an AP is -7 and common difference 5. Find its general term.

25. How many terms are there in A.P? 

26. In an AP, the sum of first terms is find its 2nd term.

27. Show that the progression is an AP.
Hence, it is an AP.