CBSE Class 10 History Chapter-5 The Age of Industrialization – Free PDF Download
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CBSE Class 10 History Chapter-5 The Age of Industrialization Important Questions
CBSE Class 10 History Important Questions Chapter 5 – The Age of Industrialization
3 Mark Questions
1. What were the problems of Indians weavers at the early 19th century?
Ans. 1. Shortage of raw material – as raw cotton exports from India increased the price of raw cottonshot up. Weavers in India were starved of supplies and forced to buy raw cotton at higher prices.
2. Clashes with Gomasthas- the Gomasthas acted arrogantly and punished weavers for delays insupply. So the weavers clashed with them.
3. System of Advances- The Britishers started the system of advances to regularizes the supply. The weavers eagerly took the advances in a hope to earn more but they failed to do so. They even started loosing small plots of land which they had earlier cultivated.
2. What does the picture indicate on the famous book ‘Dawn of the century’?
Ans. 1. There is an angle of progress, bearing the flag of the new century and is gently perched on a wheel with wings symbolizing time.
2. The fight is taking into the future.
3. Floating about behind her are the sign of progress- Railway, Camera, Machines, Printing press and factory.
3. Why were Victorian industrialists not interested to introduce machines in England? Give reasons.
Ans. 1. In Victorian Britain, there was no shortage of human labour. So industrialists had no problem of labour shortage or high wage cost.
2. New technology was expensive and merchants and industrialists were cautious about using it. The machines often broke down and repair was costly.
3. They were not as effective as their inventors and manufacturers claimed.
4. “Although wages increased somewhat in the nineteenth century, yet they could not improve the welfare of the workers.” How far do you agree with the statement?
Ans. I agree with this statement due to the following facts:
1. The average figures hide the variations between traders and the fluctuations from year to year.
2. When prices rose sharply during prolonged Napoleonic war, the real value of what the workers earned fell significantly.
3. The same wages could now buy fewer things.
4. The income of workers depended not on the wage rate alone. What was also critical was the period of employment.
5. Explain the position of Indian Textiles in the international market before machines were introduced in India.
Ans. 1. Before the age of machine industries, silk and cotton goods from India dominated the international market in textiles.
2. Coarser cotton was produced in many countries, but the finer varieties often came from India.
3. Bales of fine textiles were carried on camel back via the North West frontier. Also, a vibrant sea trade operated through main pre-colonial ports- Surat, Masulipatnam and Hoogly.
6. Who were Gomasthas? How did they help the east India Company to assert a monopoly right to trade? Explain.
Ans. 1. The East India Company appointed a paid servant called the Gomastha to supervise weavers, collect supplies and examine the quality of cloths.
2. Those weavers who took loans have the hand over the clothes they produced to the Gomastha. They could not take it to any other trader
3. The new Gomasthas were outsiders. They acted arrogantly, marched into villages with sepoys and peons, and punished weavers for delays in supply.
7. Why did the network of export trade in textiles controlled by the Indian merchants break down by the 1750s?
Ans. 1. European trading companies gained power. First, they acquired trading concessions from local rulers, the monopolized rights to trade.
2. This resulted in the decline of the old ports of Surat and Hoogly.
3. Export from the old ports fell dramatically and local bankers slowly went bankrupt.
8. Why was the East India Company keen on expanding textile exports from India during the 1760’s?
Ans. 1. Consolidation of the East India Company’s power after the 1760’s did not initially lead to a decline textile export from India.
2. British cotton industries have not yet expanded.
3. Fine India textiles were in the Great demand in Europe.
9. How were machines and technology glorified in England in the early 20th century through pictures on the cover pages of some books?
Ans. 1. The cover page of a music book a published by E. T. Paul in 1900 shows the sign of progress as the picture of railway, camera, machines, printing press and factory.
2. The glorification of machines and technology is even more marked on the cover page of a trade magazine.
3. The trade magazine shows two magicians. Aladdin is shown as representing the East and the past. Where the one is the mechanic with modern tools and builds bridges, ships, towers and high raised buildings. He represented the west and modernity.
10. What were trade guilds? How did they make it difficult for new merchants to set business in towns of England?
Ans. 1. Guilds were associations of producers that trained crafts people, maintained control over production, regulated competition and prices and restricted the entry of new people into the trade.
2. Rulers granted different guilds the monopoly right to produce and trade in specific product.
3. It was, therefore, difficult for new merchants to set up business in towns, so they turned to the countryside.
11. Why were most of the producers reluctant to use new technology? Give any three reasons.
Ans. 1. Most of the producers were reluctant to use the new technology that enhanced the productivity of labour manifold. The cost of machines was very high and the cost of repair was also very high.
2. The reason was that the typical workers in the mid nineteenth century were not a machine operator but the traditional crafts person and labour.
3. In the industries where production fluctuated with the season, industrialists preferred hand labour than machines.
12. How did the cloth merchants develop a close relationship between the towns and countryside in England?
Ans. 1. Cloth merchants purchased wool from a wool stapler and carried it to the spinner.
2. The yarn was spun and taken in subsequent stages of production to weavers, fullers and then to dyers.
3. The finishing was done in London before the export merchant sold the cloth in the international market.
13. How did the proto-industrialization successful in the countryside in England in the 17th century?
Ans. 1. The peasants had been shut-out of village commons due to enclosure system.
2. Peasants now have to look for alternative source of income. When merchants offered advance to produce goods for them, peasant households readily agreed to do work for them.
3. They could cultivate their small plots and supplement their shrinking income from cultivation
14. “The typical worker in the mid-19th century was not a machine operator but the traditional crafts person and labourer.” Support the statement with examples.
Ans. 1. The demand in the market was often for goods with intricate designs and 45 kinds of axes. These required human skill; not mechanical technologies.
2. The aristocrats and bourgeois prefer things produced by hands.
3. Handmade products came to symbolize refinement and class.
4. Hand products were better finished, individually produced and carefully designed.
15. What was the impact of new trade network on weavers, introduced by East India Company in India?
Ans. 1. Weavers caught in the web of system of advances introduced by East India Company.
2. The Devoted entire time to weaving. They were forced to accept the prices fixed by the company.
3. There were reports of clashes between weavers and Gomasthas. Gomasthas acted very arrogantly and punished weavers for delay in supply. The weavers lost the space to bargain for prices and sell to different buyers.
4. Some weavers deserted the village and migrated, setting up looms in other villages where they had some family relations.
16. “The old ports of Surat and Hoogly declined by the end of the 18th century.” Give reasons.
Ans. 1. As the European companies were gaining power, they had secured monopoly rights to trade.
2. Local bankers were slowly going bankrupt.
3. The credit that has financed earlier trade began drying up.
4. Company had started its own trade from the new ports of Bombay and Calcutta.
17. How did the presence of Gomastahas in the villages create problem for the cotton weavers? Explain.
Ans. 1. There were clashes between weavers and Gomasthas in many weaving villages.
2. Weavers were regularly supervised by the Gomasthas.
3. The weavers were punished by Gomasthas for delay in supplies.
4. The weavers lost the space to bargain for price.
5. They were unable to sell their products to different buyers.
18. Describe the functions performed by European Managing Agencies.
Ans. 1. European Managing Agencies mobilized capital.
2. They set up joint stock companies and managed them.
3. In most instances, Indian financers provided the capital while the European agencies made all investment and business decisions.
4. The European merchant industrialists had their own chamber of commerce which Indian businessmen were not allowed to join.
19. How did Jobbers misuse his position and power? Explain.
Ans. 1. Jobbers provide employment the job seekers.
2. They sometimes asked for money as bribe.
3. Even they demanded some gifts for his favour and controlled the lived of workers.
20. Describe the achievements of any three early industrialists in British India?
Ans. 1. Jamsetjee Jeejeebhoy was the son of a Parsi weaver. He was involved in the China trade of India.
2. Dishaw Petit built a huge industrial empire in India. He was involved in China trade and raw cotton shipments to England.
3. Seth Hukamchand was a Marwari Businessman who set up the first Indian jute mill in Calcutta in 1917. He also traded with china.
21. Explain the contribution of Dwarkanath tagore and Jamsetjee Nusserwanjee Tata in shaping the industrial development of India.
Ans. 1. Dwarkanath tagore was involved in China trade. Later he set up six joint-stock companies in 1830s and 1840s. He believed that India would develop through westernization and industrialization. He invested in shipping, shipbuilding, mining, banking etc.
2. J. N. Tata was initially involved in China trade and raw cotton shipments to England. In 1912, he set up the first iron and steel works in India at Jamshedpur.
22. Mention any three restrictions imposed by the British government upon the Indian merchants in the 19th century.
Ans. 1. They were barred from trading with Europe in manufactured goods.
2. They had to export mostly raw materials and food grains, raw cotton, opium, wheat and indigo required by the British.
3. The space, within which Indian merchants could function, became limited.
23. Trace the development of cotton and textile industries in India.
Ans. 1. The first cotton mill came up in Bombay in 1854.
2. By 1862, four mills were with 94000 spindles and 2150 looms.
3. The First cotton mill of Ahmadabad came up in 1860s.
4. By the 1874, the first spinning and weaving mill of madras began its production.
24. What was the condition of Indian Industries before the First World War?
Ans. 1. The early cotton mills in India produced coarse cotton yarn rather than fabric. Only imported yarn was of the superior variety.
2. By the first decade of the 20th century, a series of changes affected the pattern of industrialization. Industrilisation in India began shifting from yarn to clothing production.
3. Till the First World War, industrial growth was slow.
25. How did the Industrial pace change after the First World War in India?
Ans. 1. During First World War British mills busy with war production to meet the needs of the army, Manchester imports into India declined. Due to this reason Indian mills had a vast home market to supply.
2. As the war prolonged Indian factories were called upon to supply war needs.
3. New factories were set up and old ones ran multiple shifts. Over the war years industrial production boomed.
26. “Despite of stiff competition from machine made thread, the Indian handloom production not only survived, but also saw a steady growth in the 20th century”. Explain
Ans. 1. Adopting technological changes by the weavers to increase production without raising costs.
2. Those who catered to the rich always had a demand for their goods like Banarsi and Baluchari Saris.
3. Mills could not imitate specialised weaves. Example: Saris with intricate borders, lungies and handkerchief.
4. Handmade products came to symbolize refinement and class.
27. What were the positive aspects of industrialization in India?
Ans. 1. This resulted in cheap and good quality goods.
2. New entrepreneur set up factories and gain huge profits.
3. New jobs for labour were created.
4. Mass labour shifted from agriculture to industries.
28. What were the negative aspects of industrialization in India?
Ans. 1. Industrialization resulted in mass migration from rural to urban areas that further led to overcrowding and urban slums.
2. Merchants and traders lost their secured export markets. As a result they become junior players under Britishers.
3. Weavers were greatly affected by industrialization, maximum weaver left weaving.
29. “Consumers are created through advertisement.” Explain.
Ans. 1. Advertisements make products appear desirable and necessary.
2. They try to mend the minds of people and create their needs.
3. They appear in newspapers, street walls, magazines and expand the markets for goods and products.
4. Advertisements shape a new consumer culture.
30. In which three ways did the British and the Indian manufacturer and traders advertise their goods?
Ans. 1. The Manchester made clothes carried a label with “Made in Manchester’ written in bold. This assured the buyers of the quality of the cloth.
2. The British manufacturers used images of Gods and Goddesses on the labels. It symbolizes the divine approval for the commodity.
3. The Indian manufacturers printed the image of Bharat Mata and a nationalist massage on the labels.
31. How were machines and technology glorified in England in the early 20th century through pictures on the cover pages of some books?
Ans. 1. The cover page of a music book a published by E. T. Paul in 1900 shows the sign of progress as the picture of railway, camera, machines, printing press and factory.
2. The glorification of machines and technology is even more marked on the cover page of a trade magazine.
3. The trade magazine shows two magicians. Aladdin is shown as representing the East and the past. Where the one is the mechanic with modern tools and builds bridges, ships, towers and high raised buildings. He represented the west and modernity.
32. Describe the functions performed by European Managing Agencies.
Ans. 1. European Managing Agencies mobilized capital.
2. They set up joint stock companies and managed them.
3. In most instances, Indian financers provided the capital while the European agencies made all investment and business decisions.
4. The European merchant industrialists had their own chamber of commerce which Indian businessmen were not allowed to join.
33. Explain the main features of Proto – Industrialization?
Ans. Main features of Proto Industrialization-
1. Production was not based on factories.
2. Large scale home based production for international market.
3. Merchants move to country side and supplied money for artisans to produce for international market.
4. It provided alternative source of income.
5. Income from pro-industrial production supplemented their shrinking income from.
6. Helped in fuller use of their family labour resources.
7. Close relationship.
34. How did the British market expanded their goods in India?
Ans. 1. Advertisement of product – Advertisement make products appear desirable and necessary.They try to shape the minds of people and create new needs. During the industrial age,advertisements have played a major role in expanding the market for products.
2. Putting labels on the cloths bundles – The labels was needed to make the place of manufacture and the name of the company familiar to the buyer. When buyers saw ‘MADE IN MANCHESTER’ written in bold on a label. They would feel confident about buying the cloths.
3. Images of Indian Gods gave approval to the goods being sold. Images of Krishna and Saraswati was intended to make the manufacture from a foreign land appear some what familiar to the Indian People.
4. Printing Calendars to popularizes their products unlike newspapers and magazines,calendars were used even by people who could not read. They were hung in the tea shops and in poor people’s homes, just as much as in offices and in middle class houses.
35. ‘The Industrial Revolution was a mixed Blessing.’ Explain?
Ans. Blessing of the Industrial Revolution –
1. Production by machines has met the growing need of the growing population of the world.
2. Only machines have made it possible for the mankind to meet the primary necessities of food, cloths and shelter
3. Machines have relieved man of the drudgery of tiring and unpleasant jobs.
4. Machines have brought more leisure.
Harmful effects of Industrial Revolution-
1. The industrial Revolution shattered the rural life by turning the farmers into landless labourers.
2. Rural unemployment forced the unemployed farmers to migrate to cities in search of jobs
3. The cities became overcrowded and many problems of insanitation and housing arose.
4. The industrial Revolution gave birth to imperialism
36. Why the system of advances proved harmful for the weavers?
Ans. 1. No chance of bargaining – The weavers lost any chance of bargaining.
2. Leasing of land – most of the weavers had to lease out the land and devote all their time to weaving.
3. Dependency for food on others – most of the weavers after loosing their land became dependent on other for the food supplies.
4. Clashes with Gomasthas – Gomasthas acted arrogantly, marched into villages with police and punished weavers for delay in supply.