Square Foot to Acre Calculator

Square foot(foot2)=

Square Foot to Acre Calculator is a free online tool that displays the conversion of square foot to acre. CoolGyan’S online square foot to acre calculator tool performs the calculation faster and it displays the conversion in a fraction of seconds.

How to Use the Square Foot to Acre Calculator? 

The procedure to use the square foot to acre calculator is as follows:

Step 1: Enter the square foot value in the input field

Step 2: Now click the button “Solve”  to get the conversion

Step 3: Finally, the conversion from square foot to acre will be displayed in the output field

What is Meant by Square Foot to Acre?

Square Foot to Acre is the conversion of the unit from square foot to the acre. Both measures are used to determine the area in the metric system. Square foot and acres used in US customary systems. The square foot is defined as the area of a square which includes one-foot sides and one square foot is equal to 0.09290304 square metres. The acre is an area which is equal to 4046.8564224 square meters. There are 43560 square feet in 1 acre. To convert square foot to an acre, divide the given number by 43560. Let assume that, to convert “x” square feet into acre,

Acre = x/43560

Solved Example on Square Foot to Acre

Example 1:

Convert 56 square foot into acre


We know that to convert square feet into acres, we have to divide the given number by 43560.

Thus, 56 square foot into acre is

Acre = 56/43560

Acre = 0.001285

Hence, 56 square foot is equal to 0.001285 acres.

Example 2: 

Convert 1246 square foot into acres


We know that 43560 square feet are equal to 1 acre

Hence, the conversion of 1246 square foot into acres is

Acre = 1246/43560

Acre = 0.0286

Therefore 1246 square feet is equal to 0.029 acres