Simplest Form Calculator

Simplest Form Calculator
Enter the fraction = \(\frac{Numerator}{Denominator}\)


Simplest form = \(\frac{Numerator}{Denominator}\)


The Simplest Form Calculator is a free online tool that displays the simplified form of the given fraction. CoolGyan’S online simplest form calculator tool makes calculations faster and easier where the value is displayed in a fraction of seconds.

How to Use the Simplest Form Calculator?

The procedure to use the simplest form calculator is as follows:

Step 1: Enter the fractional value in the input fields

Step 2: Click the button “Solve” to get the output

Step 3: The result (simplest form) will be displayed in the output field

Fraction Definition

A fraction is a number that is expressed as one number over another number. The fraction is represented as “a/b”. The number on the top of the fraction is called the numerator and the number on the bottom is called denominator. There are three different types of fractions. They are:

  • Proper Fraction
  • Improper Fraction
  • Mixed Fraction

Standard Form

The standard form of the Fraction is given below:

Fraction = Numerator / Denominator

Frequently Asked Questions on Simplest Form Calculator

What are the different types of Fractions ?

There are three different types of fractions. They are:

  • Proper Fraction
  • Improper Fraction
  • Mixed Fraction

Define proper and improper fraction?

  • If the numerator is less than the denominator, then it is known as a proper fraction. Example: ⅔
  • If the numerator is greater than the denominator, then it is known as an improper fraction. Example: 5/2

What is a mixed fraction?

A mixed fraction is a combination of a whole number and a proper fraction. A mixed fraction can be converted into an improper fraction. Example: 1½ is a mixed fraction.

Where 1 is a whole number and ½ is a proper fraction.