Rational Number Worksheet

Most students of mathematics would have heard about the term ‘rational number’ while studying the subject. The word rational is used to denote that makes sense or conveys a logical interpretation followed by a reason. In math, it is has a different meaning altogether as it is derived from the word ratio.
Simply put, a rational number is one that could be expressed as a ratio of integers. An irrational number, on the other hand, is the one that is not rational. Coefficients sometimes would fall under the category of rational numbers owing to the term ‘rational’. For instance, a rational point would be termed as a point having coordinates with rational coordinates. But the rational curve is not to be misunderstood with the term as it is just a curve having parameters defined by rational functions.
The rational number with decimal expansion would always either begin with the repetition of the digit sequence with the similar finite nature repeatedly or would terminate after a number of digits that are finite. Also, the rational number would convey any kind of termination or repetition of decimals. The math formula, we just mentioned applies not just to the for the integer base but for the decimal numeral system. The last digits of rational numbers would recur in an indefinite manner if they are expressed in the form of a decimal number like the fraction 10/3 equals the number with decimals like 3.333.
The rational numbers math worksheets are designed to help the students where numbers could be expressed in the form x/y, where y is a non – zero integer and x is any integer. The type of questions asked in the worksheet would include those including the useful results on rational number, negative rational number, positive rational numbers and rational number ones.

Rational Numbers Worksheet For Class 7

  1. Express ⅝ as a rational number with numerator 15 and -10.
  2. Write each of the following integers as the rational numbers. Write the numerator and denominator in each case: 5, -3, 1 0 ,-23.
  3. List six rational numbers between -1 and 0.
  4. List five rational numbers -2 and -1.
  5. The sum of two rational numbers is -5. F one of the numbers is -13/6, find the other.

Rational Numbers worksheet PDF for class 7 to solve more problems:-Download PDF Here

Rational Numbers Worksheet For Class 8

  1. Simplify 7/-26 +16/39.
  2. Subtract ¾ from ⅚.
  3. The sum of two rational numbers is -⅗, if one of the numbers is -9/20. Find the other.
  4. What number should be subtracted from 3/7, to get 5/4.
  5. Find ten rational numbers between -⅚ and ⅝.

Rational Numbers worksheet PDF for class 8 to solve more problems:-Download PDF Here