Ratio To Percent Calculator

Enter the ratio a:b


Ratio to percent form : %


The Ratio to Percent Calculator is a free online tool that displays the conversion of ratio to percentage. CoolGyan’S online ratio to percent calculator tool makes the calculation faster, and it shows the percentage value in a fraction of seconds.

How to Use the Ratio to Percent Calculator?

The procedure to use the ratio to percent calculator is as follows:
Step 1: Enter the ratio a : b in the input field
Step 2: Now click the button “Solve” to get the percent
Step 3: Finally, the ratio to percent form will be displayed in the output field

What is Meant by the Ratio to Percent Conversion?

In maths, the ratio to percent conversion process helps to represent a number in ratio form in terms of percentage. You may have seen the percentage as a way to evaluate a student’s performance in exams. Thus, the percentage is used to compare quantities. It means ‘per 100’, which is a number expressed as a fraction of 100. So when you say 100% of something, it means it represents the whole of it. The ratio is also used to compare the quantities in different ways. Suppose a : b be the ratio of a and b. Then, the percentage can be written as:
(a/b) × 100
For example, 2 : 5 can be represented as (2/5) × 100 = 40%