Quadratic Calculator

Quadratic Equation : A x2 + Bx + C = 0(Where A, B and C are constants with A 0)

Enter the coefficients A, B and C

x2 + x + = 0



Quadratic Calculator is a free online tool that displays the discriminant and roots of the quadratic equation. CoolGyan’S online quadratic calculator tool makes the calculation faster and it displays the roots of the equation in a fraction of seconds.

How to Use the Quadratic Calculator? 

The procedure to use the quadratic calculator is as follows:

Step 1: Enter the coefficients of the quadratic equation in the input field

Step 2: Now click the button “solve” to get the roots

Step 3: Finally, the discriminant and the roots of the quadratic equation will be displayed in the output field

What is Meant by Quadratic?

In mathematics, the quadratic (also known as a quadratic equation) is defined as the polynomial equation with the highest order of degree 2. The standard quadratic equation is of the form ax+ bx + c = 0, where a, b, c are the coefficients, x is the variable, and a ≠ 0. The values of x are called the roots of the quadratic equation. The variable values can be found using the quadratic formula

Quadratic Equation Formula is, 

\(x =\frac{-b\pm \sqrt{b^{2}-4ac}}{2a}\)

The discriminant of the quadratic equation is given as:

D = b2 -4ac