Least Common Denominator Calculator

Find the Least Common Denominator
Enter Numbers of First Fraction & Second Fraction (Fraction = Numerator / Denominator)
Enter Numerator of First Fraction

Enter Denominator of First Fraction

Enter Numerator of Second Fraction

Enter Denominator of Second Fraction

Least Common Denominator (LCD) =

The Least Common Denominator Calculator is a free online tool that displays the LCM of the denominators. CoolGyan’S online least common denominator calculator tool makes calculations faster and easier where the LCM for the denominators of the two fractions is displayed in a fraction of seconds.

How to Use the Least Common Denominator Calculator?

The procedure to use the least common denominator calculator is as follows:

Step 1: Enter the two fractional values in the respective input fields

Step 2: Click the button “Calculate LCD” to get the output

Step 3: The result will be displayed in the LCD output field

Fraction Definition

A fraction is a number that is expressed as “a/b”. A fraction is considered as a part of the whole. It is defined as the ratio between two integers separated by a slash (/) symbol. The upper part of a fraction is called the numerator, and the lower part of a fraction is called the denominator. For the given two fractions, the calculator will display the Least Common Denominator (LCD), which is the smallest for all the common denominators.

Standard Form

The standard form of the Fraction is given below:

Fraction = Numerator / Denominator

Frequently Asked Questions on Least Common Denominator Calculator

How to find the Least Common Denominator for the given numbers?

  • List the multiples of the given numbers
  • Find out the smallest number that is common in both the multiples list
  • The smallest number should be the least common denominator

Find out the Least Common Denominator for the fractions ⅓ and ⅙?

Given Fractions: ⅓ and ⅙

The multiples of 3: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 21,…

The Multiples of 6: 6, 12, 18, 24, 30,…

The smallest number that is common in both the multiples is 6.

Therefore, the least common denominator is 6.

Simplify 4/2 + 5/4?

Given expression: 4/2 + 5/4

Now, take the LCM of the denominator

The LCM of 2, and 4 is 4.

= [(4 × 2) +5 ] / 4

= (8+5)/4

= 13/4 = 3.25.