Equivalent Ratio Calculator

Calculate Equivalent Ratio
Ratio 1 =


Ratio 2 =


Ratios are Equal?

The equivalent ratio is a free online tool that displays whether the two given ratios are equal or not. CoolGyan’S online equivalent ratio calculator tool makes the calculations faster and easier where it displays the value in a fraction of seconds.

How to Use the Equivalent Ratio Calculator?

The procedure to use the equivalent ratio calculator is as follows:

Step 1: Enter the two ratio values in the respective input fields

Step 2: Now click the button “Solve” to get the output

Step 3: The result (TRUE or FALSE) will be displayed in the output field

Ratio Definition

Ratios are the simplest Mathematical expressions that reveal the significant relationship between the values. In other words, a ratio is defined as the relationship between two numbers that indicate how many times the first number contains the second number. The ratios are expressed using the notation “:” or “/”.

Also, read: Ratio and Proportion

Standard Form

The standard form of the ratio is given below:

Ratio = a / b = Numerator / Denominator


Ratio = a : b = Numerator : Denominator

Frequently Asked Questions on Equivalent Ratio Calculator

What is the ratio of 3 to 6?

The ratio of 3 to 6 is expressed as

3/6 or 3: 6 which is equal to 1: 2

Check whether the given ratios are equal?

3: 5 and 15: 25

The given ratios 3: 5 and 15: 25 are equal. Because when you divide the ratio 15: 25 by 5 on both numerator and denominator, the first ratio 3: 5 can be obtained. Similarly, when you multiply the first ratio 3: 5 by 5, the ratio 15: 25 can be obtained.

A bag contains 5 red balls and 7 white balls. What is the ratio of red balls to the white balls?

The ratio of red balls to the white balls is 5:7 or 5/7.